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Thomas Duklain's Vendor

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:43 am
by John Duklain
Gregory the vendor wants your business.
Thomas Duklain's vendor, Gregory is outside the Duklain house in Moonglow (4559, 934) and ready for your business!! :)

Currently Gregory (The vendor) is buying obsidian, porcelain, and empty bottles for a fair market value. :D

Gregory sells many useful items including:
-Regular potions and advanced potions.
-Fire and Frost arrows and bolts
-Obsidian Repair Kits
-Wands including:
-Wands of Healing, Blessing, Protection, Life,
among others, and also Deamons! :twisted:
-Metal Ingots of all kinds.
-Shovels for every ingot, including Bluesteel and
-Mana Stones

-...and more to come!

Gregory soon hopes to carry scrolls, spellbooks, runebooks, and even full codex! :)

Get paid to unload your Obsidian, Porcelain, or empty bottles or stop by to purchase some items for low, low prices! :shock: :D

Hope to see you soon, and thank you for your business! :D

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:11 am
by Bassett
Nice vendor, i already bought obsidian repairkit+shovels for Bergen, his shovels are all worn out already.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:22 pm
by John Duklain
Thank you for your business. If you need anything else leave a message in the mailbox and I'll see if I can get what you need.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:51 am
by John Duklain
Our business is expanding. In order to better serve our customers we've added a second merchant, Jasmine, and split the inventory between her and Gregory.

Gregory still buys obsidian, porcelain, and empty bottles. 8)

For a limited time we also have a full codex (Limited being until I make more) and you'll notice magic jewelry becoming steadily more available. Keep that obsidian coming! :)

Go ahead and place your orders in our mailbox as well!

PS-Anna, your order is complete and in your mailbox with a bill of sale.

Thank you everyone for your business!