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The Highwaymen have a leader...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:17 pm
by Atei
*Covenant Atei*

Whilst out doing "the circuit" with my wife Sholeh, we came across a great number of Highwaymen near the Brigand Camp south of Britain. We handled them using our normal routine: Sholeh takes the hits and I keep her healed (she does an excellent job of healing herself; I just help when needed) and I also do distance attacks. We ran into Highwaymen, Corporals, Captains, Archers, Marksmen, Assassins and the new guys in town, the Enforcers. On one of them we found this note:

"Ensure that the gathering goes well. We need this stuff bad. Your leader, Samual."

Some notes about strategy:

I have macroed these spells for the tougher Mobs and it seems to help against the Enforcers: Clumsy, Feeblemind, Weaken and Curse. When drained, the Enforcers gave a lot of mana (120 when not hit with these spells; about 90 when I used them) and they have high hit points.

The only ones that my brother Josh can provoke with 110 provocation are the Highwaymen. The rest are provoke-resistant.

Up through the corporal you can poison but if you do, they come right after you. The rest are resistant to magic poison.

Finally, the marksmen will only stand still for a short time when hit with energy field and fire field, and then they come after the caster. Also, when a marksmen is near death, they move VERY fast. Quite irritating, actually.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:23 pm
by Cheres
I could actually provoke captains, brutes, archers and corporals. I think I did provo one enforcer too. I got 110 provo too

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:24 pm
by Atei
When was this Cheres? I could too for a bit, but then it changed on me. Unless it got changed back...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:28 pm
by Cheres
I provoked them about 15 min ago. Worked well for me

"Ensure that the gathering goes well. We need this stuf

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:30 pm
by Dodge
hi guys,

i think i know what the gathering is, I was helping my wife, Autumn Myst to move into her new home near skara when from the crop fields behind her house appeared several highwaymen. They were pretty easy to kill, but on one of them was a "highwayman resource bag-melons"

we checked all the other crop fields we could think of and sure enough similar again.

so far we have yoinked their apple, melon, onion,squash, pear bags to name but a few and there has been no sign of them reappearing now for the past day or so.

regards Dodge

*looking nervously out of window for seige equipment and highwayman bag recovery death squads*

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 3:44 am
by Leia Ranar
i got their grapes from a group of them in Yew earlier today. I wonder if this was good or bad. If they were for making wine -drunk highwayman may be easier to kill. *laughs*


PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 10:18 pm
by Loki D'Streea
I spotted 2 groups of them near Vesper.. one set on the raod there at the fork in the road.. where you choose minoc or Ves.. an the other at the NW entrance bridge to the town...this is only my second day here.. so I wasn't able to take any of them on.