by Strade Silverbow on Sun May 18, 2003 4:38 am
According to the books retrieved in yew when the lizardman invasion of the forest was stopped.
Find more lumber quickly - the project has been discovered. We need tocomplete the project as soon as possible. Once we bring the magical energy trapped in the lake, our strength will grow.....
It seems my excursion to covetous has caused a bit of an uproar in the lizardman's plans. They are in a hurry to finish now.
As an extra note, while visiting Benson after the battle, he told Covenant, Zareena, Loakie, and myself that he had overheard the lizardmen talking of the spring of magical energy deep within their lair. And commented on how magical energies can seep from the earth to underground waterways. And that was somewhat the method that he used to create his famous oils.
So I fear that there just may be more to this than it appears. I have no want to see an army of lizardmen wielding a near infinite number of benson oils.