You can check it out here: http://home.earthlink.net/~dfleming2747/upstarts.html
All WoD players are welcome to visit both the web pages and the forums. But you will have to register separately with those forums to view and post in the non-public areas.
Obviously (if you've read the other Upstart threads lately), the guild is in a bit of a slump lately. At the same time, in other respects, we have never been stronger. We have tons of supplies and many Master level mages. I encourage you to read about us on the web pages if you don't know much about us yet. Hopefully the new website and forums will also help us coordinate and spur new interest!

But the overall truth is, the shard has a relatively small base to recruit from and even members want to play their other characters much of the time. So, if you want to help give us a shot in the arm, keep voting for us to stay high in the Top 200 list so the player base keeps expanding... and consider joining us too!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy the website and forums!
-Tre en Wildwood