In order to see what the general feeling is on some assorted subjects, we've decided to run a poll. To access the poll, just type '.poll' in-game. There's a total of 50 questions in the poll. The first few are general questions about you (age, gender, internet connection, etc), followed by a few general questions about your feelings on the WoD, followed by a bunch of questions about random topics.
Its probably worth mentioning that the polls results are basically going to be used anonymously. We really don't care how any individual answers: we just want to get an overview of how the shard feels about different subjects. I should also say that just because there's a question about a specific subject doesn't mean that we have any plans to do anything like that. Also, if you get disconnected or accidentily close the poll while you're taking it, it automatically restarts where you left off if you type '.poll' again.
So, if everyone would fill out the poll, we'd appreciate it. The more people who take it, the more accurate the results are.