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magic wands

Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:12 pm
by [Kobayashi]
The primary benefit of new style wands is that they act as though you have 100 magery and 100 invocation, whereas the old style wands used your own skills. Wands that you've previously made will remain as they were.
I don't know, but I think it would be cooler to go back to this old style. That way, we can create wands that act as though you have up to 110 magery and 110 invocation because it would be using your own skills.

Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:17 pm
by Azzo Ranar
Random wands should use the minimum stats required to make the wand, player made wands should use whatever skill the mage had when he or she made the wand. The wand usage should have nothing to do with the users skill unless of course the user is the one who made the wand.
Re: magic wands

Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:19 pm
by kaice
Lekurion wrote:I don't know, but I think it would be cooler to go back to this old style. That way, we can create wands that act as though you have up to 110 magery and 110 invocation because it would be using your own skills.
Ummm , I think you misunderstood the 'Old Style'. It used to be that wands *only* used the user's skills when utilized, they had no inherent skill level of their own. If you were a mage with 110 Magery/Invo - then the wand would cast the spell with those attributes. If you were a warrior with 60 magery/invo - then that's what you got - lower buff amounts and less time - even with the same wand.
I think I prefer it the way it is now with the skillcheck being upon the creation of the wand, not based upon the skills of the user of the wand.

Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:04 pm
by Wolfie
I like it how they are now - the old style would be a bit pointless. It'd be cheaper for a mage to use a scroll or just cast than to make a wand to use his same skill.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:35 am
by Cindy
I'm sorry to say this but... isn't this just one more way to push aside the mages of the game?
If I, as a mage, use a wand I think I should have a better success rate and such being that I've been training longer in the mage arts.
Little by little it seems to me that Mages are becoming the "women that stay at home while the fighters go out and make the bread"...
There isn't much that a Mage can do that a Fighter can't take advantage of or copy... even with a Magery and Invocation score of 60... 70 if buffed by items.
This makes it "novel" to have a mage... but "practical" to have a fighter...
If a fighter can get the same buffs by using a wand or scroll that I've written him/her... then why take me along on the adventure in the first place?
Please explain it to me if I misunderstood what is going on.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:43 am
by Tamla Tamara
Yeah, but if we went back the way it was, no one would use them.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:16 pm
by Eldric
Cindy wrote:Little by little it seems to me that Mages are becoming the "women that stay at home while the fighters go out and make the bread"...
I would strongly disagree with this, mages are still the powerhouse of the shard able to take down almost anything faster and more efficently than a fighter.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:36 pm
by Atei
Ah Cindy, if only your comments were true. Tanks have been the "red-headed step child" for quite a while around here. As Eldric said, Mages can pretty much do whatever they want, whenever they want while Tanks are extremely limited.
Tanks can't gate, Tanks can't get good, long-lasting self-buffs (well, not AS good as mages), Tanks have a harder time healing, Tanks have to deal with dex penalties on armor, Tanks have to deal with slow weapon speed and the biggest one of all: while attacking, Tanks miss while Mages don't.
The best reason I have found for taking a Mage with me on a hunt, other than companionship, is that they heal me, buff me and take down ranged attackers.
The very best combo hunting is a tank and a mage, working together. The Tank keeps the attackers off the Mage and the Mage keeps the Tank healed.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 2:50 pm
by Azzo Ranar
I challenge you to show me any tank that can "make" me stay home lol. I will trash

any tank

standing and rez him for a second or third death if need be

. Mages in my experience don't use wands if they have high invoc and magery, we simply cast the spell...kinda the point to being a mage eh?
Now those not of the mage set love to use wands, and what better way to make the long sought after "player economy" than to make an item worth making? If player made wands were set with the mage that made thems invoc and magery, then more people would rely on them and since they are not quite as easy to make as potions only a few would take the time to do so. Those select few that had the time or interest to make wands for the general public would make a good deal of gold. Random wands would still be useful to some extent, and perhaps something like an upgrade could be performed with a chance of failure and wand loss. If you are a wand maker and you set up a vendor to buy any and all wands, be they blanks or no, you could then attempt to upgrade random wands and sell your own wands. It almost sounds plausible but I am but a simple stay at home necro

::wanders off to find Keelarr to hold his hand in the dungeon::

Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:40 pm
by Wolfie
As things are, a mage with buffs to give 110 magery and invoc gives better buffs than the wands with 100 in the skills. I think the system is fine as it is. (*loves her wands*) And I have to agree with the mages comments about tanks limitations. Playing a tank is
easier but a mage (with good strategy and stuff) is actually
stronger in many situations.
I think I'm one of the better tanks here, but I'm not about to go fight a player mage

Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:45 pm
by Cindy
I agree with the fact that mages CAN be more powerful... However when I want to use my best spells I have to worry about the stupid fighters...
I find myself never getting to use my favorite spells such as Energy Field or Poison Field...
Everytime I cast one the fighter runs right up to the darned monster and stands in my field while trying to attack it... then complains to me that I didn't warn him/her...
Headbutting your way through a wall is the way of a fighter... Oppening the door 3 feet from where his broken skull lay is the way of the mage.
Fighters ALL TO OFTEN assume that they should run ahead to PROTECT us mages... I dun really need your protection so much as I need your cooperation. Please.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:47 pm
by Wolfie
Cindy wrote: the stupid fighters...
Headbutting your way through a wall is the way of a fighter...
Yep that sounds about right

*hunts solo as to not incur the wrath of mages* hehe

Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:59 pm
by Joram Lionheart
Wolfie wrote:As things are, a mage with buffs to give 110 magery and invoc gives better buffs than the wands with 100 in the skills.
Yup, I've found that mage buffs are almost always better than wand-buffing. Wands are a good substitute when you cannot get a hold of a mage, but if there's a mage in your group, there's no need for tanks to resort to wand-buffing.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:01 pm
by Joram Lionheart
Cindy wrote:However when I want to use my best spells I have to worry about the stupid fighters...Everytime I cast one the fighter runs right up to the darned monster and stands in my field while trying to attack it... then complains to me that I didn't warn him/her...
Sounds like you are hanging out with the wrong kind of people. You don't need wands to change, you need to get yourself different hunting companions (that or go solo if you can).

Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:57 pm
by Chelsea Duklain
Stupid fighters, eh? Headbutting walls...
Chelsea the Cindy-Hunting-TANK