Point of interest with UOAssist

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Point of interest with UOAssist

Postby Cindy on Sun Jun 13, 2004 6:21 am

I was going to try UOAssist.

I followed the directions to a "T"... and I understand the .dot commands very well... Linux native language uses them all the time afterall...

But. When I get the .zip file downloaded, I have a file labeled wod notes.txt that is empty.

I need this info to be able to run my UOAssist... right? Does anyone have it?

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Postby Cindy on Sun Jun 13, 2004 6:38 am

I am also having a real hard time understanding MageStaff...

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Postby Caramon on Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:07 pm

UOAssist is not necessary to play on WoD, it is just a 'helper' program. I mainly use it to display the amount of reagents I have left at the top of my screen.

If you need further assistance, let me know, and I will try to help.
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Postby Caramon on Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:15 pm

Basicaly, magestaff is a way to have your spells in one row, even spells from different circles. For itto work, you have to have the macros it uses in your macros.txt (this is pre-AOS stuff, not sure how it changes on later clients). You can do that with a tet editor, or notepad, by opening your macro.txt file in your c:\Program Files\Ultima Online\Desktop\World of Dreams\[Charactername] folder (this may be different, depending on where you did the install to) and adding the macros from the macro file in the magestaf folder tothis. Basically it gives a bunch of keystrokes to actoivate the spells (like Alt+Ctrl+Shift1=Cast Nghtsight). You could do the keystroke manually, but the program will send that specific keystroke to UO when yu click the icon. I mainly use the usewr spell section, which gives you 4 screens of 8 icons you can set to whatever spells you most use. I have one screen thats buffing spells, so when I buff, I just go right down the line. I have another section thats for combat, etc. Hope this helps!
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Postby Eldric on Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:32 pm

Not sure which instructions you are referring to regarding assist but a good bet is that your problem is the custom wod files, wodverd.mul, wodcli.exe, ect. assist seems to take a dimm view of using the nonstandard file names, if you rename them to the standard filenames it will work just fine, dont forget to keep a backup of the files just in case you need them or if you play on other shards.
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