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Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:50 pm
by myst
I'd like you to ask how to create new houses etc. in scripts or in mul? Can anybody help me with this??? I can't understand those components etc....
Sat Oct 25, 2003 7:21 am
by fitzchivary
same here i got the mulits doneand placed in my verdatam but can seem to get them in game go figure maybe some more sleep will help me
Sun Oct 26, 2003 3:32 am
by fitzchivary
got the mulitis in and verdatum set added the houses and deeds to objtypes and to multis.cfg
then added them in housing items.dec
i get the deeds and everthing but i go to place the deeds
and there back to old houses ?
but im closer now:>
Sun Oct 26, 2003 3:49 am
by fitzchivary
this part of the housing script is causeing a problem
if i can get some help about how to get rid of it or edit it to allow my custom houses
//now we add some special stuff based on what kind of a house it is
var item, component := { };
case (housetype)
19384: //log home (we don't actually use this one right now)
item :=CreateItemAtLocation (where.x+4, where.y, where.z, 0x06ad, 1);
component.append (item.serial);
item.locked := 1;
SetObjProperty (item, "lockid", lockid);
item :=CreateItemAtLocation( where.x+5, where.y-1, where.z, 0x0bd0, 1 );
component.append (item.serial);
SetObjProperty (item, "lockid", lockid);
item :=CreateItemAtLocation( where.x+2, where.y-3, where.z+12, 0xA2C, 1 );
component.append (item.serial);
Sun Oct 26, 2003 8:57 am
by myst
You probably don't understand me. I just want to create my own new multi... How can i do it in script? I just want to make something like my temples (for e.x temple of silence, in which i want to place benches, different my objects) How can i create it as a lonely multi??? Because may be I want to place about 3 of those temples... How can i place for e.x bench in the left coner of this temple, how can i set the height & weight of this temple e.t.c.
Mon Oct 27, 2003 8:31 am
by Drocket
You can't create multis in scripts. You can only do it by adding it to the UO multis.mul file by using an external program. Don't ask me how, though - I don't know
fitzchivary wrote:this part of the housing script is causeing a problem
That part of the script just adds a few items to some houses that need it. For instance, it fixes the ladders that some multis have because POL doesn't seem to understand multi ladders and won't let you upstairs with them (so basically, it just places actual item ladders on top of the static ones, making POL happy.) You really don't need to worry about that section of code for adding new multis, unless, of course, you need to fix some ladders of your own.
Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:01 am
by fitzchivary
hum i got my mulitis already in the multi file added them to objects and the housing scripts but when i go to place them it gives me either the deed is broken or it cancells or gives me a normal uo house like a 2 story villa argh im lost
Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:18 am
by Drocket
If its giving you the "That house deed appears to be broken" error, then the problem is probably the housetype line in the deed's itemdesc.cfg entry. The objtype of the multi you want that housedeed to place should be listed there.
Mon Oct 27, 2003 11:36 pm
by fitzchivary
ok i almost got it i think hehe
one last question drocket
here is the deed i made
Item 0x622f
Name logstabledeed
Desc deed to a super log stable
Graphic 0x14F0
Script housedeed
VendorSellsFor 500000
BuyPrice 63000
housetype 0x40e6
now my question is the house type refres to the graphic number or the multi number?
cause when i use this it shows the correct house but when i click ok place it it places a totaly differnt house,
i have checked the mulit numbers and graphics in every file and ther all correct but i cant figure out why it does this
Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:16 am
by fitzchivary
ok now that i have ripped my hair out i redid the deed and i get the pic of the right house agine
when i click yes to place it i get the doors and the sign but the house is invisable argh .the walls and stuff are there i just cant see it hehe
House 0x40e6
Name logstable
Graphic 0x40e6
MultiID 0x19
OldObjtype 0x40e5
Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:47 am
by fitzchivary
but the houses doors and stuff are in the right place
Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:24 am
by fitzchivary
drocket where did you get your house type from
your house types are like this
housetype 16540
i tryed diuffernt variations of this using the odjects typoes and the mulit number but i either get
the right house then when i click yet to plaxce it i get just the doors. or i get the right house then click yes and place it and i get the wrong house with the right doors in the right spots .
all my mulit numbers are correct.
im really lost here is ther some where the house types are hiddden where i cant find them or are the house types numbered in a different way. i need to figured this out its driving me nutts
Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:33 pm
by fitzchivary
hahah no sleep tons of coffee and wham it hits me i change ti like so and it worked now to test all the houses
House 0x4019
Name logstable
Graphic 0x4019
MultiID 0x19
OldObjtype 0x40e519
Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:57 pm
by fitzchivary
whoot after 2 days no sleep i got it all working well the signs dont all work on the houses but i can place signs there for now till i fig that out
Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:24 am
by Drocket
That's where the BuildHouseLockdownArea function in the signcontrol script comes in. You need to specify the lockdown area for the multi (based on where the sign is.) It should be pretty self-explainatory when you look at it, I think.