by Bayn on Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:36 pm
After an exhaustive and sometimes nauseating search on Google I am assuming that "wuggle" used in this context must be similar to "snuggle".
Of course, it could be
"foreign import ccall "wuggle::foo" foo :: Int -> Int
rather than wuggle.h"
or it might have something to do with "Wiggle Waggle,
and Snuggle Wuggle"
but then, all those dragons could be humming "BIM BIM BIM BIM BANG BANG BIM BIM WUGGLE WUGGLE BOING BOING. ."
I dunno...this is all too scary for me to continue looking into. I might change my mage back to an assassin and start killing innocent npc's if I am exposed to much more wuggle research.