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Mass death in Yew.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 5:58 am
by Ehran
be advised the woods near yew are lousy with hundreds of shadowpack wolves. if you are rather careful and a bit lucky they can be hunted. it's very easy however to draw down a herd of them if you move about carelessly. a person can fight a pair of the run of the mill wolves or a single leader in a standup fight. more than that is really not good. no magic or firey breath etc just good ol fang and claw. long sharp fangs and claws applied with real enthusiasm. did i mention they scoot like they are hopped up on speed.
turn the hides in the the lt. in the guard post just south of the abbey. pretty much the same deal as doing a guard quest for loot.
dunno if they are going to be around for long so enjoy while it lasts.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:10 am
by Eldric
Doh, I ment to post about that, we hit one shadopack wolf in the teleporter room in Famine last night. We checked in the direction it seemd to come from but didn't turn up more.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 3:20 pm
by Macitor
Yeah.. it was AWESOME! Thanks WoDs!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:13 am
by Nia Atei
On the subject of the shadowpack wolves...I would just like to thank the talking ettin (from the very bottom of my heart) who looted my corpse before my stuff could decay. It would've seriously ruined my evening had I lost it all. Thanks Mr. (Ms.?) Ettin! :D

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:35 am
by simon
yeah, what nia said, and thanks to the guy who got Andy's stuff back so he could rejoin the hunt.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:45 am
by Gwardosa
That guy is a gal.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:51 am
by simon

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 7:15 am
by The Belmont Clan
Yes, that talking ettin was one peachy keen creature =)

Thanks for looting me too!
~Christian Belmont