by Chelsea Duklain on Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:42 pm
This is a very difficult subject to write about or give one's opinions on. I will, as I always have, try to be as tactful as possible and convey my points without being insultive. But as I said before, it's difficult. Opinions vary on this topic and it's nearly impossible to get one type of gamer to agree to another type of gamer's points. That's not what I'm asking for. There is a thing called an open mind. I feel this is imperative when dealing with a large group of people who play a game together day in and day out. We shouldn't be judgmental. We shouldn't jump to conclusions simply because that's what we read in the text. It's very hard to convey one's full meaning via text. We are without emotions, inflections of syllables and softer or louder voices. Please keep an open mind and don't immediately assume I'm attacking, defending or judging.
Upon my arrival into this World of Dreams, I was amazed at the generosity, the helpfulness and the overall friendly atmosphere. I truly thought I'd enjoy this game. I did as all others do in the beginning, I tried to learn the ropes. Once getting a sufficient grip on the ropes of training and combat, I started looking a little more closely. There were some very nice homes and some very nice items to acquire. I wanted those. It's in our nature to want and to strive to achieve. That's what attracts people to the game. If we didn't have the ambition to better ourselves on the game, there would be no game. It's what drives us. I started hunting quite a bit to buy that house I wanted or to possess more furniture or to have that nice swordsmanship buff on the auctioneer. The point in my hunting was loot. I'll not lie. I'll not try to pretend it was anything else. Yes, I had fun doing it but the thing that pushed me onwards was loot or the off chance that I'd get that +10 magery buff that everyone covets.
It is very easy to sit on one's pedestal with the best armor, the best home, millions in one's bank box and a veritable treasure trove of magical items sitting in a dusty box in one's house and speak condescendingly of those trying to acquire the same but isn't that hypocrisy? Don't you have those things already? Didn't you work hard to acquire them? I'm sure they didn't just drop on your doorstep with a nice bow tied around them. I know you went to dungeons and hunted for these things. I know you fought valiantly to acquire the prizes that you have. Then why do you constantly berate those that want the very same? Now I'm not talking about those Perpetual Looters. You know the ones. The ones that are always first in line when it comes to dividing the loot at the end of a quest. We know those are a breed apart. I'm speaking of normal players who enjoy playing, enjoy the quests BUT aren't ashamed to admit that the loot is an added bonus.
I've given so much away lately that my bank box has nothing but cobwebs in it. I'm not complaining. I loved every minute of giving the things away that I did. I loved spending my own money to give others things that I already have. It was a pleasure to me and one I will do again and again and again. Point is, I'm broke. I'd love to go dungeon crawling with a group in search of loot. Not only would I have a blast, I'd make a small profit to boot and perhaps my bank box wouldn't echo the creaking so loudly when I opened it if it were filled with gold.
My point is ...this game was created with certain facets that attract people to it. One of the attractions of this game is the fact that you kill creatures for the loot and in turn you can buy items that you covet. Point blank. No if's, and's or but's about it. To deny the fact that this game has a materialistic angle or to deny that you, as a player, are not in the least materialistic and to insult or belittle those who aren't in denial, is hypocrisy. I certainly don't mean to offend anyone with this comment and if it offends you, I'm very sorry but I think it pertains to the situation "Let he who is without guilt cast the first stone." I don't think any of you are worthy of casting the stones. Stop throwing them at others.
While I'm on a rant that's inevitably going to make everyone hate me, I'll add this. I've noticed a trend on the message boards. This is in no way directed toward one or a few people. It's a general thing. People are going to say things that you don't agree with or that you don't like. It's a fact of life. If we all agreed there would be no variety. There is a way to disagree with someone via post without being rude and insultive about it. I've noticed some of you can't respond to a post without coming off as snobbishly arrogant and rude. You only post when you have the opportunity to rip on someone. It's annoying and offending to those of us not even involved in the posts. I see continual posts about respecting one another. You earn respect. It's not just handed to you on a silver platter by mindless morons with the "Young" title on their names. Perhaps some of you should trying working on earning the respect you so desire rather than stomping your feet, holding your breath and demanding it in such an abrasive manner. Maybe then, you wouldn't feel the need to belittle those who don't have a clue who you are.