The Ogre's have returned to Benson's
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 2:45 pm
Last night was interesting. Immolatus (my dragon) and I died trying to help Cove and Sholeh rescue Silivan at Benson's. Ehran was there too, but I don't remember if that was while I was dead or later when we went back. There was quite a lot of nasty spawn there, and by the time all of them were dead (and Sil, Immolatus, and I were rezzed,) they were already respawning. Cove found a note on one of the corpses...I can't remember exactly what it said, but it essentially revealed that the purpose of the Ogres were to "keep us humans busy." Sorry I don't remember more...Cove, could ya post the note for us?
It seems last night was a night for notes. Thag also found a note, but it was getting late and I was sleepy...don't really remember what it said, except it too was about the Ogres...who were supposed to keep us busy, and some bad guy in Britain...Denton? mmm, no...can't quite remember the name, but I think it was something like that. Anyway, Thag?? Can you please post that note for us as well?
It seems last night was a night for notes. Thag also found a note, but it was getting late and I was sleepy...don't really remember what it said, except it too was about the Ogres...who were supposed to keep us busy, and some bad guy in Britain...Denton? mmm, no...can't quite remember the name, but I think it was something like that. Anyway, Thag?? Can you please post that note for us as well?