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Need a bit of help, here...

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 3:57 pm
by Atei
(Basics: I am running Windows ME on a Comcrap Presario. I have a 15 GB hard drive and 384 MB of ram, and I connect to the internet via DSL. Yeah, I know I need a better computer. Go buy something from my e-store and it will help, okay? :D )

I downloaded what I thought were the necessary files to create my own "test-shard" and it doesn't want to work.

First, I followed the instructions found here:

I thought I did exactly as Drocket explained for NEW INSTALL, but when I go to start POL, I get a fast black screen with messages and it closes. According to Drocket's instructions, I need to check start.log to find out what happened. Well, here is start.log:

    POL095-2003-07-05 (VS.NET) compiled on Jul 5 2003 16:38:41
    Copyright (C) 1993-2003 Eric N. Swanson

    Reading Configuration.
    Opening UO client data files.
    Unable to open UO datafile: c:/POL/map0.mul
    POL.CFG specifies UODataFileRoot as 'c:/POL/'. Is this correct?
    The following files must be present in that directory:
    verdata.mul (optional - only if present on client install)
    Server Shutdown: initializing random number generator
    Execution aborted due to: Error opening UO datafile.

I have installed POL to C:/POL, right on my c-drive in its own directory.

It says I am missing the above files, but I thought I had downloaded and installed everything. I downloaded 3 total zip-files: pol095_core, the file that Drocket called wod_starter and the wod_files, which I got from this website. I unzipped them all in c:/POL. However, I don't see any of the above files in the file directory. Can someone please tell me where to get them, and if I missed anything else?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Need a bit of help, here...

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 4:02 pm
by Eldric
Atei wrote:Unable to open UO datafile: c:/POL/map0.mul

That path dosn't look right, at least to the way it used to work.

You may have botched step 7 "Open pol.cfg in a text editor. Near the top is a line something like:
UoDataFileRoot=D:\UO\ Edit the path to match wherever you installed UO."

Sounds Like you edited it to point at your Pol install not your UO install.

Assuming you did a defalut install of UO that should probably be UoDataFileRoot=C:\program files\ultima online

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 5:54 pm
by Atei
Thanks Eldric, you were correct. I fixed that by pointing the start position to where my UO files are located, started POL, and it shut down again. I checked "start" and got this message:

    Reading Configuration.
    Opening UO client data files.
    Reading UO data (takes a while)...Done!
    hostname is john
    address: (removed)
    Internet IP address is (removed)
    Unable to open configuration file config/cmds.cfg
    Server Shutdown: load_cmdlevels
    Execution aborted due to: Unable to open configuration file config/cmds.cfg

Any ideas, anyone?

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 6:20 pm
by Eldric
How odd, I just went through the whole proceedure and it worked fine, though I did have to add a config/servers.cfg file per this thread ... php?t=6224 but that dosn't seem to be your problem.

About the only other suggestion I have is redownloading the WoD scripts and trying the whole thing again.

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 7:28 am
by SDonald
The strange thing about your error is that /config/cmds.cfg IS part of Drocket's download.

This is likely to be some assumption on your part that is wrong but that we can't guess!
Like... you unzipped everything into the C:\pol directory? That c:\pol\config\cmds.cfg really does exist and does contain the same info as the zip file. That you aren't trying to run POL from inside the zip file? Or that it's not a full moon.

Are you really determined to get POL running? With all the trouble you are having you are going to learn lots.

Stephen Donald.

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 3:09 pm
by Atei
I tried re-re-downloading the WoD files and over-wrote the existing files in my POL folder. I get the same error. :(

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:07 pm
by Atei

Aye, SDonald, tis my goal to learn lots. :D

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:15 pm
by Drocket
About the only thing I can think of to do is to try deleting the existing file. Its possible that its become corrupt and that's preventing it from being overridden when you try unzipping it again.

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 1:28 am
by Atei
Got what may be a really stupid question, but is the file itself called cmds.cfg? Because if it is, I can't find it in either the POL or WoD directory. In fact, I just did a search for the file on my computer and can't find it anywhere (if it's called cmds.cfg).

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 1:41 am
by Bayn
Atei wrote:Got what may be a really stupid question, but is the file itself called cmds.cfg? Because if it is, I can't find it in either the POL or WoD directory. In fact, I just did a search for the file on my computer and can't find it anywhere (if it's called cmds.cfg).

in /pol/config I have a cmds.cfg file.

this is it:

// cmdlevel.cfg: Defines command levels
// command levels are defined in increasing order of power.
// command level 'numbers' will be assigned automatically from this file.
// If you change the cmdlevel names from player/coun/seer/gm/admin/test,
// it is recommended you define 'Alias' lines to associate these basic
// cmdlevels with your custom cmdlevels. This way, package cmds.cfg files
// will place their commands into your command structure.
// The following properties can be specified for a CmdLevel:
// DIR [dir] A directory where commands for this cmdlevel can be found
// More than one 'dir' directive can be specified.
// ALIAS [name] Another cmdlevel name packages might refer to this as
// More than one 'alias' directive can be specified.

CmdLevel Player
DIR scripts/textcmd/player

CmdLevel Coun
DIR scripts/textcmd/coun

CmdLevel Seer
DIR scripts/textcmd/seer

CmdLevel GM
DIR scripts/textcmd/gm

CmdLevel Admin
DIR scripts/textcmd/admin

CmdLevel Test
DIR scripts/textcmd/test

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:21 am
by SDonald
:) Yes, it really is called cmds.cfg
I have a suspicion that this won't be the only error you will get, and when this one is fixed, another will come along. It just has that feeling!
(make sure you turn on the tick in Windows Explorer that lets you see file extensions. Microsoft defaults can be a little too 'cute' sometimes)

The cmds.cfg file exists in the WoD scripts zip file linked from the WoD home page. The pol\config directory contains 32 files (including servers.cfg)

You have me wondering all sorts of things now....
* do you have the mul files and refed them in the pol.cfg file
* have you downloaded the POL core 095 executables including the .em files from the POL site?
* Have you included the WoD starter files available from Drocket's own web site.
* Have you downloaded and included the WoD scripts from the WoD main page link
* Have you created a servers.cfg file and put it in the pol\config directory. The contents of that file were posted recently in this forum.

If I were you I would delete the entire pol directory and start building it again from scratch.

There's some vital piece of information you aren't telling us!

The cmds.cfg file that Bayn posted looks like the one from the WoD scripts... so your SHOULD have it already.

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:08 pm
by Atei
Okay, I just deleted my POL folder and am starting again. The first step, per Drocket's instructions, is to download the "pol095 core." Next, I downloaded the "wod_files" zip from this site (even though Drocket says to find it on the POL forums, and it's called I've been told that that info is outdated), and finally I downloaded a file called "wod_starter" from Drocket's site. I have just unzipped them in the order instructed, and I still don't see that cmds.cfg file. I pointed POL to the location of my UO files and I tried to open POL, and I get the same error as before.

SDonald, I have .mul files in the UO directory. I did download the pol095 core from POL webpage and I see the .em files in the "scripts" folder.

You state that the cmds.cfg file exists in the WoD scripts zip file linked from the WoD home page, but I missed it somehow. I double and triple checked the download zip and that file simply isn't there.

Just to be clear: I get this file from the "Information" section of this website, right?

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:31 pm
by Bayn
cmds.cfg is in the /config subdirectory of the wodzip_pol095_2004_03_31. If you downloaded that file and unzipped it into your base POL directory then it has to be there. Not sure what is wrong, hmm.

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:35 pm
by Eldric
Atei wrote: Next, I downloaded the "wod_files" zip from this site (even though Drocket says to find it on the POL forums, and it's called

Just expanding on bayn's post a bit. That file there is the one players need to use to see the custom wod stuff, what you need to unzip to the pol directory is the scripts release. ...

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 10:19 pm
by Atei
Bayn wrote:cmds.cfg is in the /config subdirectory of the wodzip_pol095_2004_03_31. If you downloaded that file and unzipped it into your base POL directory then it has to be there. Not sure what is wrong, hmm.

That isn't the file I downloaded. Where do I get it?