Chelsea Duklain wrote:When I first saw this I was very interested and I wanted to reply but, I also know my weekends are always unpredictable so I wasn't able to. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I will try very hard to be there. It looks very...educational?
Or like a death fest, should be intresting to see which way it goes, hehe.
I solo almost all the time. I'm not great at working in a group. I need work. Chelsea will be there, regular plate intact and since she's a swordsman, expect no bow. As she would say
"Bow?! Shootin' twigs are for elves."
Just kinda a comment on the bow thing,while a valid choice, without some sort of ranged attack, you will occasionally find yourself in the unenviable position of deciding between just standing there waiting for mobs to close which is not much fun, and running ahead to them and risk pulling more than the group may be able to handle which is dangerous.