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Note from Hoods

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 12:40 am
by Autumn Myst
Hi all, I hope you all enjoyed the hunt to rid the world of the Branoobs, alas I could not make the final battle :( but I was thinking of you all out there.

Note: We are just a bunch of Hoods out having a good time......
Have A Nice Day!!

Thanks for the fun admin and all the scores of maps :D mega ones as well, fun to fight and different, Dodge and I *Autumn Myst* ran into them at Skara and managed to wade our way through hundreds of them, then we handed over to Edison after we had to go so I am not sure if another note was found.

Many thanks to all who thought them up.....

Dodge & Myst

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 6:41 pm
by Kale Greeneye
Edison, Cloudchaser, Schatten, Me, And at least 2 other people (sorry, was awhile ago) fought some of these in Skara farmlands during the time when all the ophidian scouts were being found and killed. No notes or anything, they weren't real tough, Lots of highe end maps and lots of magics :).