Large Scale Invasion in Eastern Britain!

Discussion about quests and other in-game special events

Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket

Postby Eldric on Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:46 am

Wow, lots of posta after I wandered off to bed last night.

I had started to put something togeather on how to not die on quests, but I see Felix pretty much covered that. Though I tend to try to keep up as many bars as possible when I'm in healer mage mode, I pretty much agree with everythig he said.

I also, pretty much agree with Atei's post in regards to how the quest on, I think it was Sunday, went. I did want to comment on this however.

Atei wrote:You know what? It was working. It was working GREAT right up until a second group showed up behind us and instead of following the path we took, they went directly toward the Despise entrance. This triggered the mobs there and the mobs on the island, and suddenly we had death cries ringing out constantly because our original group was now sandwiched between two attacking forces and the organization that we had worked so hard for fell apart.

I did a fair bit of messaging around and talking to people after the fact trying to figure out exactly what it was that caused the death storm.

It seemed to have been a combination of 3 things.
1) Our point took a step forward and woke up some branubians. Check, reasonable thing to do.
2) A 2nd group gated into the despise entrance and woke some up. Check, a reasonable thing for anyone who doesn't know theres something going on there to do.
3) A 3rd group came in from the mountain pass, took a slightly different route than we did and woke some up. Check, a reasonable thing for someone to do. We had been following the mountain range counter clockwise from the entrance, by the time this group came in we were at the lake, with a decent sized uncleared area between us and the pass.

In short, I'm not really sure anyone did anything blatently stupid, just sometimes the smelly stuff will hit the fan.
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Postby Ragrann family on Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:52 am

First about this magic item(s) identify thing.

If I happen to loot something magical or somehow special I usually identify it and .point it. Just because of I think that it is polite and no misunderstandings from other players who really care about the loot. Of course I don't try to , no one should, search it from .grab bag and identify it if people are desperately needing healing or curing etc. around me.

I have studied english for about 5-6 years and like Daalia said, I also have a lot of problems expressing myself. I really don't belivie that Maddox was saying behind his words "I want more loot from monsters, this sucks!". More something like "those who left earlier didn't miss much" (like before said).

Questing sure is fun and why not just paralyze the front runners if they don't obey other players wishes. I think it is ok to run a head if you don't run back. :twisted:

I also would like to thank the seers and GM's for this really great shard.
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Postby Sebastian on Tue Jun 10, 2003 12:03 pm

Maddox wrote: I have never bolded anything in my messages because I don´t even know how to do it =)

When you post there's a tool bar just below the subject line. The first button, from left to right, is "B" which is the bold button. Hightlight some text then hit that button to make the highlighted text bold.

I bolded those words because they bugged me. They'll always bug me. When loot is used as a measuring stick for a quest I'm going to post, and it isn't gonna be very friendly.
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My non flame grumble

Postby Autumn Myst on Tue Jun 10, 2003 12:29 pm

Hi all

:O) well here is my bit..... And bear with me, its not that I do not speak good English, I do however get lost in my own thoughts..

As for the Banoobian hunting, I have been the "Tank" on many of occasions, stepping one tile at a time while the rest of the group hang back until I uncover the MOB, now this as the "Older" players so nicely pointed out, is the correct way and tactics and all that kinda thing, well ok, lets look at Despise..

Tactics: Mages stand back ready to heal *assuming there is a mage*
Tactics: The archers come next, so far I am with you...

So off goes the tank, it’s their job don't u know... so in I go *for an example*

One tile at a time, see we can follow the rules, and as tank I am as well looter,
Stands on tile, boom a load of banoobians, runs back to group we hack slash get healed etc etc and then off we go again,
Steps on tile, brings out woo let’s say...
~~~~4 banoobian witch doctors one or sometimes two whirl winds, I am the tank, and I am dead..~~~~

Why am I dead? did the group not heal me?... was I not buffed?....
nooooo none of that,
I am buffed as high as poss, I have my stats full on, the mages are stood near to heal so why did I die?
Perhaps some of the older players who did not fight them answer the question? If of course they have actually done some of the Despise Banoobians for example they can answer this question quite quickly.

Maddox has resed me on numerous occasions and has been a total darling, perhaps
One should not pass judgement on another until they at least know the player
or of the player, believe me Maddox must be one of the friendliest, most helpful,
Fun and knowledgeable player on the shard, and I have hunted with him with banoobs
And also in dungeons, he has never complained about gold peaces, and
As most who know him will verify he is more than generous, if any one
Of us died then death tax was paid after the loot split and on many
Many occasions all the loot goes to the unfortunate dead, there was only one occasion where I died
More than 10 times and I must agree that was because a later group did turn up and go
Gung-ho and dive in and bring out at least 100 of the little darlings .... But still we fought and fought.

Never once did any of the Groups I went into battle with
A) loot for their own sake,
B) ever ask whoooooo *drool* what is it what is it ? When a magic item was looted.

NONE of the players ever left the group without handing their backpacks to be shared out..

Edison came on quite a few of the earlier hunts and did steer us in the right direction,
He saved me many a time, and I learned quite a lot on how to fight, so even the newbie’s listen... and older players are an asset, but complaining at newer players is not the way.

Flaming people on a board is not the way, upset or not, it causes un-necessary hurt,
I am sure the GM's and Seers have had many a moan thrown at them, surely there is no need to go to 100 on the tension scale. And please do not think for one tiny moment we do not appreciate your help, your quests you ideas etc, but we all have the right to an opinion good or bad.

Yes before you say it ,,, GM's have feelings as well, but why did you not ask him why
Privately before flaming, Maddox has great English, but on occasion he does fall short, yes he said about loot, and death tax and all that, did he deserve to be flamed? Does anyone? This was not a public thrashing of GM’s and Seers it was an observance.

Let me tell the "Older players" that us newbie’s do value your opinion, we do Not know better when it comes to etiquette etc on WOD, most of us are throw offs from OSI and are used to being looted and are not used to the Niceness of WOD, but we do get the concept of hunting, even though a lot of it is different, instead of flaming us for it, (believe me we have a real hard time with loot and not hording and being very untrusting habits die hard so be patient), join in hunts, lay down the rules beforehand, make sure most know the rules, or even try coming out with us perhaps you would be surprised that some of us do know what we are supposed to be doing contrary to opinion, why stay away, because you assume that we take all the loot we run in and cause deaths, we can’t heal, don’t assume new players cannot play and therefore are not worthy of joining you until they know the rules, meet with them and join in with them Invite them to your groups and show them how you would do it.

One final thing on the Banoobian hunt, I am all the way with Maddox on this one..

We do not mind death and death taxes when we have taken the stupid go to fast stance, what we do mind is death when it is not the fault of yourself, for example when you uncover one small group of banoobian mages and they kill you mid run through a mountain.. and maybe clumsily but Maddox was just saying things like that do happen and therefore maybe hunts could include a tad more to cover even partial death tax.

Do not tell me that this does not happen; I was actually messaging Maddox when I was killed through the mountain pass. I had uncovered a few whirl winds and did not for one min think they would get me there, out of "Line of site".. also the bit about pets, the players I have met on these hunts with pets, such as Pedro and Cath have been 100% professional and never place the dragon where it can wander into another pile of MOBs or that they cannot heal you because of the pets.

Believe me money is not the issue, we go to Despise each day, hacking and slashing our way through, to keep Brit safe, none of us on the hunts ever once went in there for the money, we also “understandâ€
Autumn Myst
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Postby Keelarr Ranar on Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:04 pm

I double dog dare ya to make it with no loot, I tripple dog dare you to do don't have the gumption. Imagine a quest for the sake of questing and fellowship. Boy would that really suck eggs. You can ask around, half the time I come and go in quests, not for the sake of loot, but to lend a hand. End of story. So I say fine, Sebastion, make the loot poof..I again tripple dog dirty ear dare ya. Make it a lootless quest. Come on...what ya waiting for.....
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Postby Seon MacRae on Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:08 pm

No loot works for me - that's not why I do quests. I use them to polish my dieing technique. :twisted:

And I would love the idea of participating in some group hunting training sessions. We've been looking for an activity for the Order Guards to set up - maybe that would be a good one.
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Postby Elaine on Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:25 pm

Im good for no loot as well, most the money i make comes from hunting in smaller groups or solo anyhow. And i as well like the quests for the challenge and its sometimes the only time i get to interact with players i dont know, as im still getting to know many people

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Postby Laephis on Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:50 pm

Zareena wrote:I humbly suggest that perhaps all of this could have been avoided by simple communication.If someone says something you take offensive....tell them....give them a chance to explain...I would hope that if someone took offense to something I said they would come to me about it.I assure you if the roles were reversed I would come to you.

Well, I don't know if "all" of it could have been avoided, but the flamethrowers probably would have been left at home. ;) In any case, I totally agree with what you're saying. Small disagreements can be kept small when people are open about them with the other person. (Not with everyone else, that's just gossip.) Small disagreements can turn into huge flamewars when communication breaks down. And trust me, that's not fun for anyone...
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Postby Sebastian on Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:56 pm

Keelarr Ranar wrote: I double dog dare ya to make it with no loot, I tripple dog dare you to do it...

Seon MacRae wrote: No loot works for me

Elaine wrote: Im good for no loot as well

You've made my morning. :D
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Postby Keelarr Ranar on Tue Jun 10, 2003 2:32 pm

Loot or no loot Seb, I'll be there with bells on, literaly since these jester hats have bells lol. I may even kick Azzo in the head and work some of them nubs myself. I would even go so far as to say that any quest loot i.e. magical stuff should all be etherial. And I am not saying some fantastic magic item, just poofable.
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Postby Seon MacRae on Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:33 pm

Last quest I was on, the gold I got came nowhere near the death tax I accumulated, and I couldn't have cared less - the experience more than made up for it.

Frankly, the conversation among the players involved after the quest was more reward than the split itself. :D

My wife thought I was nuts because I was laughing out loud at some of the things going on. (the fact that it was 3 AM may have had something to do with that, I think)
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Postby Sebastian on Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:39 pm

ehb wrote: So now i'm an SOB? thats alittle insulting isnt it?

I wasn't going to reply to this, because it will be hard not to insult you in doing so, but...

Come on! If you don't know that the expression "You lucky SOB" is a friendly one, you are way too sensitive to be reading the message boards.
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Postby Elaine on Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:54 pm

Im thinking that alot of the prolem right now is a communication issue, its hard enough to express your thoughts on a message board and some of our memebers have english as a second or third language. That makes it tough, they may not always understand sayings and such that is second nature to those of us that have english as our first launguage

just a thought

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Postby Ragrann family on Tue Jun 10, 2003 5:44 pm

Too many messages! My little brains can't take this! Hey maybe we could make a message limit for the forums, like 5 messages a day... :lol:

I got one good reason for it: It takes too long time to read the forums! and that means less time in WoD! :oops:
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Postby Atei on Tue Jun 10, 2003 7:15 pm

Eldric wrote:Wow, lots of posta after I wandered off to bed last night.

I had started to put something togeather on how to not die on quests, but I see Felix pretty much covered that. Though I tend to try to keep up as many bars as possible when I'm in healer mage mode, I pretty much agree with everythig he said.

I also, pretty much agree with Atei's post in regards to how the quest on, I think it was Sunday, went. I did want to comment on this however.

Atei wrote:You know what? It was working. It was working GREAT right up until a second group showed up behind us and instead of following the path we took, they went directly toward the Despise entrance. This triggered the mobs there and the mobs on the island, and suddenly we had death cries ringing out constantly because our original group was now sandwiched between two attacking forces and the organization that we had worked so hard for fell apart.

I did a fair bit of messaging around and talking to people after the fact trying to figure out exactly what it was that caused the death storm.

It seemed to have been a combination of 3 things.
1) Our point took a step forward and woke up some branubians. Check, reasonable thing to do.
2) A 2nd group gated into the despise entrance and woke some up. Check, a reasonable thing for anyone who doesn't know theres something going on there to do.
3) A 3rd group came in from the mountain pass, took a slightly different route than we did and woke some up. Check, a reasonable thing for someone to do. We had been following the mountain range counter clockwise from the entrance, by the time this group came in we were at the lake, with a decent sized uncleared area between us and the pass.

In short, I'm not really sure anyone did anything blatently stupid, just sometimes the smelly stuff will hit the fan.

Aye Eldric, in retrospect that probably should have been reworded, but as you and the other who took the time to read it probably realized, I was more than a little bit peeved.

I wasn't trying to place blame as much as I was giving an example of how Felix's suggestions, the ones you made at the beginning of that hunt on Sunday, worked. What happened that day was due to unforseen circumstances, nothing more. The point was, if you take it slow and easy, as has been preached over and over again, you survive and enjoy yourselves.

As to the loot, it wouldn't bother me one little bit if there was no loot on quests. I have 5 pretty maxed out characters and every one of them can make as much money as I could ever want, not to mention magics galore. All that takes is time and discipline to hunt, and I am VERY fortunate that there are A LOT of people in WoD who enjoy hunting with me for some strange reason. (It must be the "comic relief" effect. :wink: )

Gabrielle, I agree wholeheartedly that the oldbies of the land should mentor the newer players, but for that to work the newer players have to WANT to learn. Edison has tried to set up group hunting practices, Leia Ranar tried to do a buddy hunt pairing one newer player with an older one, I tried to set up classes to learn strategies and tactics etc etc etc, and there simply wasn't enough interest. It appears that people want to learn on their own.

I gotta tell you that when Pau died 10-12 times on a quest once, I started asking questions about my skillset. I went to the older, more experienced players and queried them on what they did to survive and thrive, and I took their advice.

I have asked Edison, Ciara, Roderick, Felix, Shadowstone, Ehran, Michella, Maddox etc for advice on tactics, and I have tried to learn those things so I not only will not die uselessly but also am a good hunting partner. I still make mistakes but I learn from them and I endeavor with all my will to never repeat them. I figure there are enough mistakes to be made so I don't need to re-do them. :D

My sincere hope is that this discussion will lead some people to re-think the way they group-hunt, but as Drocket pointed out, this discussion comes up with regularity.

Finally, those Branubians have become a serious thorn in my side. I say it's time to unite the Land's forces and drive them from Britannia once and for all. Who's with me? For the sake of the Land and our beloved Queen Lissar, the time has come!
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