Upstart Mage's Guild Hall founded on August 8, 2003
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 2:34 pm
*Mhoram Variol*
The decision was made on Friday, August 8, 2003 (at the last Upstart meeting) to find another place to call home besides the Mage's Tower. Please understand that we LOVE the Tower and cannot thank Greywolfe enough for his willingness to put up his home as our base; actually, we intend to continue using it for our Meetings. However, for matters of security and the need to have additional resources available to us as a group, we decided to find a place that we could use and make our own.
We discussed the two main options--placing a deeded home near the tower or buying a static, and decided that if we could find the right static that would be the way to go. Otherwise, we would buy a deeded place and find a location near the Mage's Tower.
Well, since Moonglow is our home, we checked there first, and voila!, we found a static. It was in the perfect location (western edge of Moonglow, right next to the road that leads to the Tower) and it was priced right as well. We have since moved in (mostly Tre en and Xelio did the deco) and made it into the Upstart Mage's Guild Hall. We even have two vendors (carrying limited items at this time) and a fenced-in area with some animals (not for necromantic purposes I assure you ).
(*Look for more information on the vendors in the coming days as more and more of us master our trade skills. )
Now, to brag a bit: we already have 3 Masters in the group (Tre en, Xelio and Corh) and at least 2 Adepts (Etienne, and yours truly; Iantha is very close if she hasn't made it already).
We have not used our more "established characters" or other outside help, the Newbie Box, vendor quests, guard quests or jobbing to increase our skills. How did we get 3 Masters and 2 (maybe 3) Adepts already? We hunt, a lot, and we work together. We use the money from hunting to buy up our skills. In addition, when one of us finds a magic another of us can use, it goes to that person. As a group, we are becoming quite good at hunting (the undead residents of the Moonglow graveyard were only the first step ). Just yesterday Tre en and I cleared those smelly, bothersome trolls from the woods NW of Minoc, and we will soon have our own "Upstarts Naked Hunt."
We encourage any and all who are interested (or just curious) to stop by and visit our Guild Hall. If you would like to join, please talk to one of the Upstarts mentioned.
The decision was made on Friday, August 8, 2003 (at the last Upstart meeting) to find another place to call home besides the Mage's Tower. Please understand that we LOVE the Tower and cannot thank Greywolfe enough for his willingness to put up his home as our base; actually, we intend to continue using it for our Meetings. However, for matters of security and the need to have additional resources available to us as a group, we decided to find a place that we could use and make our own.
We discussed the two main options--placing a deeded home near the tower or buying a static, and decided that if we could find the right static that would be the way to go. Otherwise, we would buy a deeded place and find a location near the Mage's Tower.
Well, since Moonglow is our home, we checked there first, and voila!, we found a static. It was in the perfect location (western edge of Moonglow, right next to the road that leads to the Tower) and it was priced right as well. We have since moved in (mostly Tre en and Xelio did the deco) and made it into the Upstart Mage's Guild Hall. We even have two vendors (carrying limited items at this time) and a fenced-in area with some animals (not for necromantic purposes I assure you ).
(*Look for more information on the vendors in the coming days as more and more of us master our trade skills. )
Now, to brag a bit: we already have 3 Masters in the group (Tre en, Xelio and Corh) and at least 2 Adepts (Etienne, and yours truly; Iantha is very close if she hasn't made it already).
We have not used our more "established characters" or other outside help, the Newbie Box, vendor quests, guard quests or jobbing to increase our skills. How did we get 3 Masters and 2 (maybe 3) Adepts already? We hunt, a lot, and we work together. We use the money from hunting to buy up our skills. In addition, when one of us finds a magic another of us can use, it goes to that person. As a group, we are becoming quite good at hunting (the undead residents of the Moonglow graveyard were only the first step ). Just yesterday Tre en and I cleared those smelly, bothersome trolls from the woods NW of Minoc, and we will soon have our own "Upstarts Naked Hunt."
We encourage any and all who are interested (or just curious) to stop by and visit our Guild Hall. If you would like to join, please talk to one of the Upstarts mentioned.