How to Make a Frigid Woman

(I wrote this one a while back but for some reason, even though I feel it's not well written, I've always liked it. So see Bayne, I do have a dark side.
This day, like any other, was perfect. She dug her knees into Surrey's sides to urge her faster. She tightened her grip on the reigns and leaned down, her face nearly buried in her dark mane. The wind blew through her hair causing wild strands to sting her cheeks and eyes but she didn't care. The smile the curled her lips seemed to be permanent these days.
She cast a backwards glance to the horseman behind her. He was gaining. His horsemanship was evident. He was toying with her, allowing her to have the lead for a few short minutes before he came in for the kill. She'd be hanged if she let him catch up! She whispered in Surrey's ear and gave the reigns a firm tug, sending the horse off the path and through the low lying branches and bushes. She veered left and right, trying to lose the horseman but he was tenacious.
All her concentration and attention was on maneuvering her horse through the branches and brush at a relatively high speed. She didn't even notice the horseman had moved up alongside of her until an arm reached out to curl about her waist and give a tug, shifting her from her own horse into his lap. She yelped in surprise and clung onto his shirtfront. He slowed his horse to a canter and glanced down at her, a smug look on his devilish features.
"I can't imagine how you got it in your head that you'd actually win this time."
He was graced with a light punch into his chest. "One of these days, my love, I will best you and you will have to rid yourself of that smug, overbearing smile." The words were softened by the tone of her voice. A gloved finger reached up to lovingly trace those smug lips. "Until then, I'm the most content loser I've ever known."
They spent the afternoon picnicking on whatever they could find, exploring the surrounding forest of his family's homelands and, of course, loving one another. It was a perfect day, much like all her days had been since meeting him. She constantly thanked whatever gods were responsible for their destined meeting. She couldn't imagine a more perfect and suitable man for her. She knew they'd eventually wed, once Corbin's family realized that he loved her. They were a bit on the stubborn side but she'd win them over. If it meant keeping Corbin she'd do anything willingly. Until then, she was content just to be with him.
The sun was slipping beyond the ridge, changing the springtime shades of green odd colors. They stood by their horses, arms wrapped around one another, watching the orange, yellow and red bursts in the sky slowly fade, leaving the husky color of night in it's place.
Grudgingly they mounted their horses and began the short journey back to the manor. Everyone would be worrying soon.
He took the lead, as always, expertly assisting his horse in picking out the correct path. She followed closely behind them. Their quiet conversation as they traveled one of warmth, l and the future.
She didn't know what it was that spooked Cheron, his horse. She didn't hear anything nor see anything but suddenly Cheron gave a start and reared up on his hind legs. He tried to calm him, speaking calmly all the while pulling the reigns to control him but it was to no avail. He was wild eyed and totally out of control. Cheron lunged forward through the dense trees at a breakneck pace, his rider yelling commands and trying to hang onto the reigns the entire time.
She bolted after them on Surrey. Dodging under low lying branches and veering to avoid collisions with the dense brush. She could see them always just ahead of her but she couldn't keep up. Surrey had never been able to match Cheron in an all out race.
She'd lost them. She could hear them crashing through the underbrush in the dark but Corbin's outline was lost to her sight. It was then that she heard it. A loud, jarring thud. Much like a ripe melon hitting solid ground. Her eyes widened. By the gods, no! Her heart leapt into her throat, her breathing became quicker and more shallow as she strained to see either horse or rider.
Her eyes fell on the slumped figure near the base of a tree. His head bent back at an unnatural angle, his eyes open, staring blankly at the canopy of branches above them.
She shrieked and lunged from her horse, falling to her knees in her haste to get to him. She scurried on all fours to his side, gently cradling his broken neck with her arm, caressing his cheek and softly calling his name. Tears fell unchecked down her cheeks to moisten his tunic. She placed soft kisses on the large, bluish bruise on his forehead, the entire time telling him to hang on, help was on the way. Subconsciously, she knew it was too late but consciously, she denied it. NO! It wasn't too late! She screamed at the top of her lungs. "HELP ME! ANYONE! HEEELLLP!" Her pleas always ending with a heart wrenching sob.
She didn't know how long she'd been there. Day had not yet come but the night was nearly over. Time meant nothing. She only felt the absolute emptiness that comes with losing your heart, your soul and your life. Blank eyes stared out into the dark forest. Her body had gone numb long ago, her arms still tenaciously wrapped around the body of her love.
The flicker of light and the muted chattering of voices through the trees brought her out of her stupor. She tried to shift to sit up, commanding taut muscles to move. Cracked lips opened, her voice barely able to croak out "Over here!" The rustling and cracking of branches and leaves being pushed aside grew louder until finally, Denny, the stable master, appeared, torch in hand and shouted to the others. "HERE!" He crouched beside them, immediately checking jer love's wrist for a pulse. He knew before he even touched him. His eyes darted to her, emotion almost overwhelming him. "Are ye alrigh', miss?" Her lips trembled. She wanted to nod her head to assure him she wasn't physically injured but all she could do was burst out crying.
Others arrived and the rest was a blur. She clung to Corbin, refusing to let go of him. They pleaded, they cajoled. Finally they had to physically take him from her arms, she cried, clinging to his hand until his fingers finally slipped from hers for the last time. Her fingers curled around his ring, his family crest as they took his covered body away. The sobs that wracked her body sent her to her knees and there she stayed for a very long time. Her heart ripped out and her soul bared, pleading with the gods to return her love or end her life.
The woman that had once given her heart freely and willingly had changed. The warmth of her eyes had been replaced by a cold, disdainful glint. The once soft spoken woman was gone, replaced by a woman warrior that kept her emotions firmly in check. Never again would she be the weeping woman on the forest floor. Never again would she give herself freely only to have that part ripped violently from her. She may have to live but she damn sure didn't have to love.

This day, like any other, was perfect. She dug her knees into Surrey's sides to urge her faster. She tightened her grip on the reigns and leaned down, her face nearly buried in her dark mane. The wind blew through her hair causing wild strands to sting her cheeks and eyes but she didn't care. The smile the curled her lips seemed to be permanent these days.
She cast a backwards glance to the horseman behind her. He was gaining. His horsemanship was evident. He was toying with her, allowing her to have the lead for a few short minutes before he came in for the kill. She'd be hanged if she let him catch up! She whispered in Surrey's ear and gave the reigns a firm tug, sending the horse off the path and through the low lying branches and bushes. She veered left and right, trying to lose the horseman but he was tenacious.
All her concentration and attention was on maneuvering her horse through the branches and brush at a relatively high speed. She didn't even notice the horseman had moved up alongside of her until an arm reached out to curl about her waist and give a tug, shifting her from her own horse into his lap. She yelped in surprise and clung onto his shirtfront. He slowed his horse to a canter and glanced down at her, a smug look on his devilish features.
"I can't imagine how you got it in your head that you'd actually win this time."
He was graced with a light punch into his chest. "One of these days, my love, I will best you and you will have to rid yourself of that smug, overbearing smile." The words were softened by the tone of her voice. A gloved finger reached up to lovingly trace those smug lips. "Until then, I'm the most content loser I've ever known."
They spent the afternoon picnicking on whatever they could find, exploring the surrounding forest of his family's homelands and, of course, loving one another. It was a perfect day, much like all her days had been since meeting him. She constantly thanked whatever gods were responsible for their destined meeting. She couldn't imagine a more perfect and suitable man for her. She knew they'd eventually wed, once Corbin's family realized that he loved her. They were a bit on the stubborn side but she'd win them over. If it meant keeping Corbin she'd do anything willingly. Until then, she was content just to be with him.
The sun was slipping beyond the ridge, changing the springtime shades of green odd colors. They stood by their horses, arms wrapped around one another, watching the orange, yellow and red bursts in the sky slowly fade, leaving the husky color of night in it's place.
Grudgingly they mounted their horses and began the short journey back to the manor. Everyone would be worrying soon.
He took the lead, as always, expertly assisting his horse in picking out the correct path. She followed closely behind them. Their quiet conversation as they traveled one of warmth, l and the future.
She didn't know what it was that spooked Cheron, his horse. She didn't hear anything nor see anything but suddenly Cheron gave a start and reared up on his hind legs. He tried to calm him, speaking calmly all the while pulling the reigns to control him but it was to no avail. He was wild eyed and totally out of control. Cheron lunged forward through the dense trees at a breakneck pace, his rider yelling commands and trying to hang onto the reigns the entire time.
She bolted after them on Surrey. Dodging under low lying branches and veering to avoid collisions with the dense brush. She could see them always just ahead of her but she couldn't keep up. Surrey had never been able to match Cheron in an all out race.
She'd lost them. She could hear them crashing through the underbrush in the dark but Corbin's outline was lost to her sight. It was then that she heard it. A loud, jarring thud. Much like a ripe melon hitting solid ground. Her eyes widened. By the gods, no! Her heart leapt into her throat, her breathing became quicker and more shallow as she strained to see either horse or rider.
Her eyes fell on the slumped figure near the base of a tree. His head bent back at an unnatural angle, his eyes open, staring blankly at the canopy of branches above them.
She shrieked and lunged from her horse, falling to her knees in her haste to get to him. She scurried on all fours to his side, gently cradling his broken neck with her arm, caressing his cheek and softly calling his name. Tears fell unchecked down her cheeks to moisten his tunic. She placed soft kisses on the large, bluish bruise on his forehead, the entire time telling him to hang on, help was on the way. Subconsciously, she knew it was too late but consciously, she denied it. NO! It wasn't too late! She screamed at the top of her lungs. "HELP ME! ANYONE! HEEELLLP!" Her pleas always ending with a heart wrenching sob.
She didn't know how long she'd been there. Day had not yet come but the night was nearly over. Time meant nothing. She only felt the absolute emptiness that comes with losing your heart, your soul and your life. Blank eyes stared out into the dark forest. Her body had gone numb long ago, her arms still tenaciously wrapped around the body of her love.
The flicker of light and the muted chattering of voices through the trees brought her out of her stupor. She tried to shift to sit up, commanding taut muscles to move. Cracked lips opened, her voice barely able to croak out "Over here!" The rustling and cracking of branches and leaves being pushed aside grew louder until finally, Denny, the stable master, appeared, torch in hand and shouted to the others. "HERE!" He crouched beside them, immediately checking jer love's wrist for a pulse. He knew before he even touched him. His eyes darted to her, emotion almost overwhelming him. "Are ye alrigh', miss?" Her lips trembled. She wanted to nod her head to assure him she wasn't physically injured but all she could do was burst out crying.
Others arrived and the rest was a blur. She clung to Corbin, refusing to let go of him. They pleaded, they cajoled. Finally they had to physically take him from her arms, she cried, clinging to his hand until his fingers finally slipped from hers for the last time. Her fingers curled around his ring, his family crest as they took his covered body away. The sobs that wracked her body sent her to her knees and there she stayed for a very long time. Her heart ripped out and her soul bared, pleading with the gods to return her love or end her life.
The woman that had once given her heart freely and willingly had changed. The warmth of her eyes had been replaced by a cold, disdainful glint. The once soft spoken woman was gone, replaced by a woman warrior that kept her emotions firmly in check. Never again would she be the weeping woman on the forest floor. Never again would she give herself freely only to have that part ripped violently from her. She may have to live but she damn sure didn't have to love.