Cyrus of Sosaria wrote:
> So, that's my first real adventure in Doom...i'm still sore from the
> experience.
Last night was my first run to Doom and the Guantlet, and I think I can
top you.
Started off getting partied into the guantlet and making some quick
friends; At some point we left to bank and came back intending to go
right to the bell. however one of those blue bastids was hanging around
with rotters and a Lich Lord. Trying to provo minor stuff onto them to
help my new friend got me double FS'd. And my swampy too moments later:
Death #1 friend tries to res me 20 or 30 times... finally suceeds, I'm
so worried about my corpse decaying I run to it only half healed and:
Death #2, this time I run up a screen to the Bone Deamon room hoping to
get rezed faster by one of the Gold Skull harvesters, I get rezed, but
the person who rezed me goes oOOooo for her efforts... my Regs are in
serious danger of decaying so I make another desperate run; manage to
get them, and one half screen away (to the right of the Gold Skull room)
Lich Lord FS/FB/EB's me.
Death #3 Back to the person who rezed me, she is rezing two other ghosts
(including gauntlet friend) and medding, this time I realize what I'm
doing wrong and with a fresh corpse decay timer, full health and all my
blessed stuff I go fish up my ghost swampy and get it rezed... need a
mount to be able to move fast enough to have a chance at all of not
deing more. I manage to get to my corpse and loot, a blue bastard and
the same Lich Lord track me, I run, stop to invis and a BAT makes me
Fizzle, the Devourer and the LL make me oOOooooOOoo.
Death #4 get rez'd re-equip blessed stuff and go to try and get freshly
dead swampy to follow me (by getting just close enough to the LL to see
it's name) LL see's my name...
Death #5 at this point both the devourer and the Lich Lord are getting
close to the Gold Skull room, so I drag a Patchwork Skell over and provo
it onto the LL... good... now the same for the Big Blue... "fail to
incite enough anger" oOOOooooOOOoo
Death #6 res, after getting rez'd (again along with a few other people
there were like 6 or 7 people running around at this point) I lose track
of whats happening and get killed by a rotter as I stand still in the
dark trying to equip (my UOA dress macro is broken).
Death #7 this time I take my blessed GM tamborine and provo a Skell onto
the LL again, then I drag another skell off and inch close to the
Devourer, and suceeed WOOOOT... go to Death #4 corpse and retrieve
everything SWEET, LL and Blue are a screen away, I spot Swampy ghost
stuck in a corner and get him to follow me past Blue and LL who are both
about to track me deeper into the Gold skull room. "An Lor Xen" "More
Reagents Are Needed For This Spell" NOOOOOOO!...ooooOOooooOOoooo...
That was Death #8. So with dead swampy in tow I rez, realize that the
Lich Lord looted my Regs off of corpse #4, I tell everyone, get swampy
rez'd and go and drag LL into the skull room. With help and a provo,
kill the LL and low and behold my red Reg bag is on it's corpse.
I learned a few things... #1 People in Doom are helpful, they probably
know that they might need the favor themselves. #2 There is NO TIME to
explain the situation in doom even to party members, as you'll likely
die more and this means the original corpse will be very close to
disapearing. The exception to this is "THE LL HAS MY REG BAG". #3 Always
check to be sure your reg bag was actually still on your corpse (and you
got it back) before you cast invis next to a Devourer of Souls and a
Lich Lord.