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Necromencer quests

Mon May 24, 2004 1:39 am
by Kramer Vorlock
I know there is guard quests to gain skill but the give you a little too much virtue for an evil man. Perhaps a necromoncer could give guard quests kind of for evil people where there is a paladin or someother type of good thing to kill. Make it just like guard quests except for the virtue part.

Mon May 24, 2004 2:22 am
by Dell-Leafsong
This is an excellent idea, but the targets should be other evil denizens, wizards, daemons, or somesuch in keeping with the spirit of WOD. The idea of anonymous paladins and innocent folks becoming the target of necromantic "contract killers" is just plain wrong. The "good" think about being evil is that you can fight other evil and the good guys at the same time.

Mon May 24, 2004 8:56 pm
by Kramer Vorlock
Yea, I was a bit tired wehn I posted and couldnt think of much so thankyou for correcting me.

Tue May 25, 2004 1:01 am
by Joka Atticus
i would love these quests very good idea kramer

Tue May 25, 2004 7:17 am
by Marius the Black
So.. what you're asking for is guard quests to kill monsters, with no virtue reward?
You don't need a guard to give you that. Just go and kill monsters as you like.

Tue May 25, 2004 10:31 pm
by Kramer Vorlock
Marius the Black wrote:So.. what you're asking for is guard quests to kill monsters, with no virtue reward?
You don't need a guard to give you that. Just go and kill monsters as you like.
It is much easier to gain skills and gain by doing guard quests and why should evil character not get what good characters take for granite? That would probally solve the kiling of guards thing. Also I was aying you would lose virtue instead of gaining it. And Marius I noticed that you didnt have a virtue title.

Wed May 26, 2004 3:50 am
by Dell-Leafsong
Of course, losing all of that virtue that you gain from guard quests is easily done with poison, but if you're looking for in character necromancer-specific quests, maybe searching out infernal tomes in the world's dungeons and libraries would cause them to gain negative virtue and have a chance at increasing their stats. They could work much like guard quests (opening the book seals might release guardian magics in the form of elementals and daemons) but gaining negative virtue when you return the book to your Master.
It might fit in the shard fiction okay this way without putting targets on the backs of all the virtue guards and other do-gooders that populate the towns.
Now that I think about it, gravedigging might be an appropriate alternative as well. They might be able to use Necromancy skill, target a shovel, and if they're standing in a graveyard, they might disturb an undead creature (whose stats could be based on their necromancy skill level). If they defeat the creature, they magically absorb its soul(gain stats) and lose virtue in the process.
Just some thoughts to keep the ball rolling.

Wed May 26, 2004 3:17 pm
by Marius the Black
I don't have a virtue title because I believe that the only way to get them is through unneccessary and pointless acts of evil such as thuggery, wholesale manslaughter and poisoning *monsters*.
I'm a cultured villian.

Wed May 26, 2004 3:54 pm
by Myr
Translation: all Talk
hehe just having some fun oh Great Supposed Evil One.

Wed May 26, 2004 10:29 pm
by Drocket
This is kind of a difficult thing to balance: Ultimately, WoD is based on the idea of Good vs. Evil, and in that battle, the players are supposed to be playing the part of good. When you allow evil players, things get, well, messy.
As an example of this, a lot of players become upset when another player starts killing guards. Even though the guard's death doesn't affect them specifically, they've generally become so involved in the gameworld and their character's ideals (fighting evil) that seeing evil that they can't stop bothers them. And that's actually sort of a good thing - its means people are involved in the game.
So its difficult to figure out a balance where players are allowed to do evil things. I don't think that's something easily done...

Thu May 27, 2004 12:06 am
by Bronwyn
Give them a town.
Have a town for all the things evil folks like to do. They would be able to kill the guards and npc's they choose. Then folks who don't care to see these kinds of evil deeds shouldn't go to this town. Maybe a few special things can be done for this town to help them lose virtue.
my 2 pennys

Thu May 27, 2004 1:21 am
by Atei
Like Buccaneer's Den?

Thu May 27, 2004 2:21 am
by Marius the Black

Thu May 27, 2004 3:52 am
by Tamla Tamara
Atei wrote:Like Buccaneer's Den?

Oh Nooooo!
I like Dell's ideas.

Thu May 27, 2004 12:34 pm
by Kronos Leir
I think having a town for the Evil people of WoD would be great.