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So, how did you come to be at this World of Dreams?
Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:56 am
by Atei
Were you referred by someone, or did you find us on the Top 200? Maybe you heard about us from a friend or family member?
My own story goes like this: Uthr Rhain and I used to be roommates in Arizona before he moved to Michigan (and then I moved back to Ohio). He was on WoD for quite a while and he used to host the Manual. He referred me, and he is the reason I am still here today. Incidentally, I have a tribute to him in my Shoppe in SE Brit.
Now, what's your story?
Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:12 am
by simon
A guy i went to school with pretty much begged me to join up, said playing with me would be alot of fun.... well i joined and we played for a few weeks, but now he's too busy messing around with flash to play, but i'm still here
Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:13 am
by Kramer Vorlock
Well my friend Jon Leir reffered me,
Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:25 am
by Kronos Leir
*POKES Kramer* I forced him
My story goes like this. My dad had been play for about 2 months (at least of me know he did) I asked if I could try and play I played his char for about 2 days just to get used to it. Then he made me my own char. Then he finally got me my own accout (he wanted the slot hehe). And thats how my story goes.
Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:33 am
by Dan Slack
My uncle had started playing here for about 2 or 3 months then told my dad about it. My dad, brother, and I all joined up. All thats left is me and my brother on occasions.
Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:33 am
by dione
I joined WOD as a vacationing spot away from my other shard, my friend Mr. Goodhand said it was a great place so i sent in my app got excepted and joined. And I have been here ever since. To bad Mr. Goodhand doesnt play anymore.
Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:29 am
by Wolfie
My old friend Whiskers told me about this place. He's on another shard now but I love the place. I gave him UO on a cd and he gave me a shard to play on.
Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:37 am
by Maddox
Hmm.. I think it was three years ago. I accidently ran into some UO-emulator site and it linked me here.
I had been playing OSI UO for a long time so it was very natural movement to restart in here.
Mon Feb 23, 2004 8:39 am
by Ehran
i was in a nasty car accident end of 99 and wasn't sleeping much. my friend from a dnd campaign played here and suggested i give UO a try. been here ever since.
Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:48 am
by Marius the Black
I responded to an ad in Villians' Weekly:
WORLD OF DREAMS: Wanted! Single, down-to-earth Dastardly villian to make world tremble, kingdoms shake and children cry. Must have own henchmen and Evil Master Plan. No experience neccessary. Applicants will be expected to laugh maniacially at interview. Evil attire a must.
And I mean, with an ad like that, I submitted my evil Resume` and got the job as Master Villian! I've almost been here year now, and my Evil Master Plan is slowly coming to fruition!
Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:49 am
by Aiya
While building for a new rp only shard, I desired a place to "play." Many of the core players of my home shard either began here or have played here or still play here and the bulk of our scripts probably came from here in a round about way. *dips her head respectfully to Drocket* However, I found the link on top 200. Your name is well spoken and I was most impressed with the manual and the Player Oath. I have met some wonderful people and players in my few weeks, but must say . . .
stop giving me stuff!
Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:41 pm
by Kronos Leir
Aiya wrote:but must say . . .
stop giving me stuff!
Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:05 pm
by Tristan Gryphon
I was introduced to WoD in June of 2000. My Sister-in-Law had been playing for about a year. I used to giggle at her at family functions because of her obsession with this silly "game".
*who knew*
She still pops in from time to time, she is Rabekah.
I don't know how many people I have actually referred to the shard, many still play here.
Eventhia Leir
The Boldsong Clan (one of my Sons)
Kalisten Vero/Aran Dragonblood
There are more, just can't think of them now.
As it has turned out, this silly "game" has turned out to be an awesome experience for me. I remember seeing some threads on how you use "in game" phrases in real life. And also references to the game in real life. At some point, it no longer is a silly "game", if it affects that much of your R/L experiences.
I have made some wonderful friends on this shard. It has been my honor, and pleasure to be a part of the experience. Thank You WoD staff! With a great big thank you to Drocket for all that he does. The place just wouldn't be the same without ya'.
*The Druidy things are calling*
~Tristan Gryphon~
Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:21 pm
by Joram Lionheart
I had been playing on Chesapeake for a few months when I heard/read (probably in uo.stratics) about the rgcuo newsgroups(, and quickly become a compulsive reader of this UO community. That's where I become acquainted time with Dundee & Shade (mind you just by hearsay 'cause she never posted anything), Ingot Head, Janey, Magnus, and Ed, just to name a few. I took a break from UO and by the time I came back in the summer of 1999 I found out most of the newgroups "legends" had moved on and rarely posted anymore. One of them was Dundee, who in one of his posts let the rgcuo community know he and Preacher had started working on their own shard--Tel'aran'rhiod.
I followed the link at the bottom of his post and was directed to the first World of Dreams website (hosted by Preacher if I'm not mistaken), which was then know as Tel'aran'rhiod. I posted on the msg boards, mentioned I was from the rgcuo, and asked for an account (the application process was far more simple then). I think that very same night I got my account info and logged in for the first time.
Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:26 pm
by Laephis
Wow, you learn something new every day. I had always wondered where the name "The World of Dreams" had come from. Knowing that the shard used to be called "Tel'aran'rhiod" explains it all: Tel'aran'rhiod is the name for the dream world in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books. Interesting.