by Joram Lionheart on Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:20 pm
Ahh yes, well, I guess I was supposed to do the writeup for this quest. I'm not really good at this so I'm just going to go ahead and tell you what happened (in a nutshell).
Tuesday night, Lagger and I were chatting in the bank when someone (I think it was Henna) asked about "Hidden Valley." We explained what hidden valley was and where it was, and probably not 5 mins had gone by when the architect inside the bank told us there was some trouble brewing in HV!
So we prepared to go there, and by this time Town Criers were letting everyone know what was going on, (I had to msg a few people all the same). The names of people I remember being there are Ki'Anna Stydoran, Strell, Kala, Lagger Stee, Switzer, Elwen Dragonfire, and Camus Vandali (i.e. moi). In HV we found "Raging Ettins" (hit real fast, and much harder than regular ettins) and some giant serpents with specially strong poison.
It took as a while but we eventually developed a good, organized method to take care of these beasts and managed to clear the whole valley of them. Once our job was done (or so we thought at the time), we headed back to the bank for a much needed loot split. But as soon as we got there we heard the Town Crier announcing that some weird Gazers had invaded the "ancient ruins" near the Trinsic swamp (where there is an undead spawn). So we regrouped and gated to the AG and ran north from there (long run).
When we finally made it, we found what we thought were regular gazers (except they were green or blue colored). Well, turns out these were not regular gazers for they must have an invocation skill of 150 or better. They could lower your strength by as much as 50+ points! On top of that they cast some pretty powerful spells and if taken on a group could easily result in a quick reduction of our fighting force [i.e. lots of deaths!]. Apparently we were the only large group to arrive there because we kept hearing the individual death cries of other adventurers who had responded to the call-to-arms by themselves.
Anyhow, we suffered some loses but I'm proud to say most of our original group stayed alive. I think Macitor and a few other players joined us during the course of the quest but it wasn't till the very end that everyone in the area realized we were there and joined forces with the other group that had formed (by now). I apologize for I don't remember most of the names in the second group. In any event, by the time we coalesced into a single, large fighting force, we had already cleared most of the area so the hunt was pretty much over by then.
We recalled to the bank and did the loot split (some nice special-colored quest items), and that's it! I'd like to thank the seers for tuesday night's quest and last night's as well. It was great fun.
Stay tuned for the last night's quest writeup . . .
*has to run to class*