FYI: Please forgive me for not writing down names, because I simply cannot remember who came with.
It all started when all of the citizens of WoD heard a voice pleading for help by Xale the Wanderer. Apparently some Troll Demigods had gotten ahold of the Gem of Shattering, and were conducting a ritual to bring the TrollGod into our plane of existance. Many brave warriors heeded the call, and we all assembled at Brit Bank.
We started off for Shame, and encounted nothing out of the ordinary on the first two levels. We cut our way through the lesser creaters and encounted many Troll Warlords and Shamans on the 3rd level. After dispatching them (with some unfortunate deaths) we arrived at the ritual site. Three Troll Demigods rushed out to attack us. These were no ordinary trolls, they hit as hard as Chieftans and had probably twice as many hit points. The last of them dropped the Gem of Shattering from it's grubby hands and Xale destroyed the unholy blood pillar (personally I wanted to put the gem on the alter to summon the TrollGod for fun, but Xale warned us that would be a very, very, very bad idea).
He then informed us that (I believe) the Royal Alchemist, Alcott, collected such gems to prevent these such occurances. From there we gated to Moonglow and gave the gem to him.
All was calm for many 15 minutes while we boasted about our slaying of the pathetic trolls when Xale announced that he had discovered another gem, this time it was a DragonGem of Shattering. We all knew where we had to go, the lowest reaches of Despise.
After assembling once more, we rushed headlong through the first level and halfway into the 2nd where we faced the one of the toughest normal monsters in WoD, an Ancient Dragon. It was dispatched without much difficulty and we kept on making our way deeper into the cavern. The spawn was much heavier than normal, and I believe we fought 4 ancients in total. Unfortunately the ancients were the least of our troubles, as the Dragon DemiGods put the Ancients to shame. The 3 DemiGods wreaked havoc among our lines, forcing us to retreat many times. The savior of the day, which I am a bit embarassed to admit, would have to belong to my pet, Quest Puppy, who aided in dispatching the vile creatures. The DragonGem of Shattering was recovered, and once again we gated to Moonglow to give it to Alcott. Xale thanked us and said he didn't sense anymore gems at the time and would inform us later if he did.
All-in-all I had a great time on this quest as usual, as much of a mess it was with everyone running around like headless chickens. I also want to suggest that whoever turns in these gems, please wait for EVERYONE to get to the alchemist hut before handing it in, because some people did not receive proper "compensation" for the quest (virtue and gold). Finally a -HUGE- thank you to the seer who entertained us that night! Thank you!!