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Scavenger hunt

PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:11 am
by Adroi Andune
When: Friday June 11th 4PM PDT (7EDT, 11GMT, 9AM Saturday for Marius? )

Where: Meet at the Skara Brae Bank

This event should last about 2 hours. Bring one crafting tool of your choice.

This will be run with teams. Each team will consist of 4 players. Each Team should bring a bag with a total of 200 assorted regeants.

You will be given a set of robes for each team. Teams must travel as one unit. The regeants you will give to me to hold as a target of one of your hunt items. All other items should be banked at the start of the game. When we start you should have a crafting tool, robe and book with clues to find items. You may also carry spell books, codex's and druid staffs.

Since gating will be difficult if not impossible, you are encouraged to bring a normal mount. Nothing stronger then a horse or normal ostard, no other tamed pets.

This is intended as a mixer. So teams with [young] players will recieve x2 points. Teams with two or more [young] who are adept or less will recieve x3 the points.

There will be a mixture of killing things and find information/ items.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:08 pm
by Adroi Andune

Havent been able to be on in a few days. But hopefully tonight and tomorrow I can wrap up a few details, and everything should be good for Friday :)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:24 am
by Adroi Andune
I finally gave away my unused Indestructable boots of Provocation.

Well the turn out was a tad underwhelming :( Sounded like some people weren't interested in scavenger hunts and others didnt like the time :(

However, it did seem that the 7 participants ( we went ahead with 2 teams ) enjoyed themselves. Of course things got a bit nasty at first, as the Vesper cemetary was being mean. Chelsea and a few others cleared it out, so one of the quest items could be gotten easier. However, it decided to respawn almost as nasty as before. A couple of people wound up being food for vampires. It took about a half hour for the first group to get thier regeants, and the other team worked nearly an hour without them.

As the event lasted longer then the two hours I had envisioned, I had to turn the final realm over to Chelsea after 2.5 hours.

Everyone who participated recieved some home decorating itmes, some nice magical items (courtesy of Chelsea and Ciara). Each team got to split a share of gold, what was ever locked in the locked chests, some maps and some nice high end magic. And the winning team should have found the Indestructable boots of provocation

I would like to thank those who participated.

(I hope I didnt miss anyone)

Special thanks to
Chelsea for the many gifts and the hard work of putting the game together
Ciara for her wonderful contributions of nice magic items and 500K.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:15 pm
by Chelsea Duklain
I was very disappointed with the turnout as well. I suppose this is why there isn't too may player run quests. No one wants to participate.

I thoroughly enjoyed setting up the hunt and gathering the items but I will never do so again.

Thanks to those that participated. You who appreciated it made it all worthwhile.



PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 2:29 am
by Locke
Well, I must say kudos to the organizers because it was an amazing adventure. I too would have been happier with a larger turn out but I don't complain about the reward with such little people. hehe. I just wanted to express my appreciation for running this and everyone involved it was quite exciting. In future I hope this is not to be a one time thing if this were made persistant im sure it would recieve much more support in future runs. I also would be willing to do whatever I can to support it from donating cold/magics to advertising it when i talk to people in game. I think it would be a real shame were this to be an only one time event and leave the others, even though skeptical, out of the fun.

oh yea i ended up recieving the indy boots of provoc and might I add OMG quite the suprise when i recieved then because my prominent character is Locke who happens to be a bard/mage so you can imagine my excitement. :D

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:05 am
by Azalin4savioR
I would just like to add I would of participated, but for the same reasons I cant do 99% of the quests is because everyone always runs the quests and events while im at work! And unfortunatly I work the same schedule everyday 5-6 days strait, so it makes it almost impossible to make it anything!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 2:20 pm
by Avyn Asu
Thank you, Chelsea and Androi, for setting up and running the scavenger hunt. I had a blast! It was very challenging, but still doable. The clues had us running from one end of Britannia to the other. And the prizes were great!


PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:35 pm
by Adroi Andune
It was disappointing that Chelsea poured some much effort into for such a small turnout, and I can understand her feelings.

However, though I am disappointed that the turnout was so low, I will plod along. Unfortunately as I got deeper into this I realized it was going to be too much to do too often (and I certainly cant act like I will have such wonderful sponsers in the future. ) And Chelsea has a very creative streak, I doubt I could duplicate.

It may take me some time to set up a foot rally, but I think it would be a nice challenge. But I can't see that happening, or getting started on the planning for at least 3 months. I cannot commit to the time :(

I'm pleased everyone seemed to have a good time, and that the item I would never use, is going to be put to good use.

Once again thanks to everyone involved :)