by Ariela Lilifain on Sat Oct 25, 2003 7:56 pm
(More of my story)
A week into her journey, and Ariela had the impression that her travels would be giving her no troubles at all. Being as young as she was, and not as worldly as she would have preferred; she did not realize that anything could happen at any moment. Getting close to the evening meal, and time for her to find a place to camp, she came upon a secluded glen complete with a small brook so she would not be thirsty. As she set her fire and was preparing to cook a meal, a rather handsome, roguish man appeared. Being leery of him as a stranger, yet unable to turn a hungry and tired traveler away, Ariela cautiously offered to share her meal and her fire with him for the night. As the evening progressed though, and Ariela started to relax around him, he had suddenly turned on her and started to attack. Though she knew some defensive positions to protect herself, she was no real match for the man. He soon had her pinned to the ground and would have been able to not only rob Ariela but to do so much more had her quick thinking not saved her. Seeing a nearby rock, she struggled with the man so that she could reach it before he was able to do anything more. Once she did have it in her hand she tried desperately to swing it toward his head, but he was able to deflect it just enough so that at most he was stunned. Still, it was enough for her to get out from under him. Being too hysterical with fear, she did not bother to try and gather her belongings, thinking she would not have enough time before he recovered himself. Instead, Ariela only ran into the woods, hoping she could hide someplace, and that he would give up pursuit. Running for what seemed like miles, Ariela finally collapsed among a small group of trees, praying that he would not find her.
She must have become unconscious, for hours later, she awoke, still half crazed with fear, yet slightly relieved that he was at least not within her immediate view. She knew she could not risk going back, but what was she to do. She had no supplies, no change of clothes, the horse Cameron gave her was gone, and she was becoming quite hungry…Not knowing what else to do, Ariela began walking in the direction she had been originally intending. A day had gone by, then another, and with each passing step she became ever more hungry and thirsty, but she kept going for she knew deeply within her that she must survive. She could not hunt to find her food for neither did she have a bow or arrows, nor did she know how to use them anyway. She definitely could not wield a sword, and she had no pole or net to fish with. As the third day rolled around, Ariela began to weep for she thought she would surely die of starvation or thirst. As the evening rolled around again she could not take any more. Finding a place where she could at least be in comfort, Ariela laid down, then saying a simple prayer to the gods, she thanked them for at least giving her the chance to find what family was left, for allowing her to meet Cameron, and begging them to take her quickly so she would not suffer any more than she had…Then for Ariela Lilifain, all went black…