There is a lot more to being a villian in Ultima Online than just doing things that lower your karma.
It is perfectly acceptable for one to have 'the Vile' or 'the Unsavoury' attached to their name, through doing (generally) random acts of violence against innocent folk, killing them for 'karma loss', calling upon powers dark and corrupt, but it is not acceptable for a person to play a character who is 'evil'? Because, by definition this character is not evil if he kills townsfolk to gain negative karma - that's just what you do.
Abject hypocracy.
I can't possibly believe any justification for killing the townsfolk to get a bad reputation is perfectly acceptable, while acting in an evil manner is intolerable. That slaughtering denizens of the underworld by poisoning them, calling up corpses or slaughtering them with disease is alright, but actually evolving a character's personality, which is evil, is unacceptable.
Another point to make mention of is; you're not supposed to like Marius, but as a
character. The whole point of playing a villian is to be hated and growled at by uptight-holy types. By all means, scorn him and challenge his words, declare him enemy of the Crown. That's fine. But it's when you attack the player when it's not fun anymore. And those that don't role-play shouldn't have a problem with Marius -I generally don't role play him to people who are just playing the game normally.
I've actually been hoping that someone would oppose me (in a
character way), so Marius could actually have something to plot about. But no one did- people decided that I was a reckless
player who just wanted to cause grief to other
Apparently, if I want to be "evil", I should just go out and kill townsfolk, and become Vile.
It is important to remember that I am not arguing against this practice, I am arguing for my own case. I have nothing against people who just want to play the game, and think that having 'the Vile' attached to their name is a cool thing to do. That's fine with me. But to argue that role-playing evil is an insufferable stigma, but simply playing evil for karma is not, is unfair by any sense of reasoning.
One of the most important factors in playing an evil character is the
definition of evil. I chose's definition as a base;·vil
Morally bad or wrong; Causing ruin, injury, or pain.
I do not want to have a definition war. There are as many interpretations of evil as there are people in the world. And I respect that everyone has an interpretation that is valid and true. However, I am using the definition above as a point of argument, nothing more.
Marius was evil because he wanted to rule Britannia. He didn't want the best magic items in all possible existence, but simply used them as tools to better himself and achieve his purposes.
Marius was evil, but any time someone took personal offence to his words, he apologised and offered to make amends.
Marius was evil, but he never attempted to ruin the enjoyment of anyone's game, by killing people or abusing them, and so on.
Marius was evil, but he offered the Upstart Guild his advice on certain matters, and offered them selections from his library.
Marius was evil, but he loved conversation and could talk for hours, rather than tromp around a dungeon. He gave out advice to new players, offered them items, and went out on rescues.
Laephis: [Marius] may be a megalomaniac, but at least he's honest.
Marius was evil, but he wasn't bad. If he was, I imagine that I would have been contacted by the Administration and told to cease and desist, more or less.
Just a quick comment on this. There was a time when playing an evil character was not against the rules per say but something not done, from the monaual:
9. Evil Characters. We do not need any more evil characters than we already have. We have monsters galore who have intelligence. There is the Evil Lord Gizash (or is he still evil?). We are here to help one another in a common goal to rid the lands of the evils within.
What is important here is to remember that Marius believes he is ridding the lands of evil; by ruling the land, he thinks there will be some sort of Age of Enlightenment. Of course, he is wrong, but that's where the whole redemption factor comes in. Anyway, the point to be made here that evil in motivation does not necessarily equate to evil in practice. Marius may well (and very often) help out people he deems 'useful' to his overthrowing the Kingdom, and is not above making alliances - because when you're the evil Baron, you need evil Lords you can trust.
I could wax dilettante further, but there's really no need.
Do not hate Marius as a player. He is a character.