The way I see it...

Any discussion about WoD that doesn't fit into another category

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Re: The way I see it...

Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:40 pm

Drocket wrote: A quiet role-playing based quest got a single, rather incomplete post. When a seer is trying to decide what kind of quest to run, it seems pretty clear which type of quest is appreciated.

Bleh, so I suck at quest writeups, sue me. :) Seriously though, I don't think it is so much a matter of it being underappreciated or not. I think people in WoD are just too darn lazy to bother posting about quests :D. Seriously now, your avg-WoD player is wanting to ask for more .dot commands out of sheer laziness and convinience. I wouldn't be surprised if people ask you for .buymeregs and .restockmypack in the near future.

(Ps. I must admit those would be very handy, though :P)
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Re: The way I see it...

Postby Bayn on Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:50 pm

Drocket wrote:
Bayn wrote:*GASP* I am heartbroken. Hmmm, maybe my post got deleted. Lemme check.

I was referring to the 'Vernon goes bye-bye (again)' quest.

Oh ok, my bad. Stop by sometime when I am on and spank me!

Nothing terribly exciting happened, but it was a serious role-playing moment, with a lot of discussion, hints about the future, etc. In a lot of ways, this is a good example of what I was saying: a huge monster drop quest got posts describing what happened.. A quiet role-playing based quest got a single, rather incomplete post. When a seer is trying to decide what kind of quest to run, it seems pretty clear which type of quest is appreciated.

That does appear to be a big problem. I know role playing is "optional" but it adds so much to the experience. I get real tired of MOB drop type things. They are ok for awhile but get old so fast. If I had been "there" when Druid Vernon was speaking I woulda wrote it up spiffier than ... than...well, it woulda been good.

I think ALL players should post about ANY quest just so everyone sees that stuff is going on. I try to but since I haven't been on much, I've missed a lot.

Is it materialism? Is "getting stuff" so important? Not for me. I like to get "stuff" but I could play some single player game alone and get "stuff". Or, I could play on my own shard and just RULE! No, 'stuff' ain't as important as living the experience.
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Re: The way I see it...

Postby Henna on Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:10 pm

Joram Lionheart wrote:This is less a criticism as it is a statement of fact. There are a few essential facts every WoDian should know about the shard's ongoing storyline (and I'm assuming that we wish to continue to have one). Right now, there are many new players who don't have a clue who the Queen is, and while they may have heard of her, they've never seen her or don't know (or care to know) what she does--i.e. what her fictional purpose is.


There's an ongoing storyline to the shard? *dances in excitement* Oh, please, please, please tell me where I can learn about this! I have been here 2 months today (yay!) and have caught only a few brief glimpses of generalized characters such as the queen, but was not aware of an ongoing storyline... I would LOVE to hear/read/learn about it... I have loved reading through the stories on the forum and the few player submitted stories on the manual I have read.. but have yet to come accross anything that seems to be a general history of the story of the shard... does such a thing exist? If so, could some kind soul point me in the right direction?
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Re: The way I see it...

Postby Jocilyn on Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:15 pm

Is it materialism? Is "getting stuff" so important? Not for me. I like to get "stuff" but I could play some single player game alone and get "stuff". Or, I could play on my own shard and just RULE! No, 'stuff' ain't as important as living the experience.

I agree, Its not materialism for me either. I am all for the experience.
Well, I must say I do like the token gift. The little something with no magic value, does not do anything but say I was there and collect dust.

I also enjoy getting together with people I dont normally get to hunt with, and a quest allows this.

I do believe there should be a low to mid level quest on occasion for the newer players. A get there feet wet so to speak. Some of the quest can be a bit much for an older char much less for someone still new.

I love being on Wod, and the people here. I find it is for the most part a friendly place to be. I have never asked a question and not gotten an answer. I might not wanted to hear the answer...but i got it. :wink:

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Postby Marius the Black on Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:00 am

Back to the essence of having more seers, I can imagine Drocket's hesitation in putting people on board. Granted, I'm sure if he asked for 'volunteers' more than half the shard would leap up going "me, me, me!" - myself included.

What we fail to remember, as players, is that we desire that which we cannot have, or cannot have easily. Being a Seer, or a GM, for some, is desirable insofar as it is because we can not have it: "The grass is greener on the other side."

Ideally, the idea I came up with, to counter this situation (as I believe, as Celeste does, that more seers would be nice) is to have *players* actively start quests. You don't need invasion spawners and rare items to make an event happen, and the difficulty of doing so may put some people off the ideal of how 'awesome' being a Seer would be. Similarly, posting about quest ideas to the Seers has always been available, yet rarely utilised, and I am sure that amongst our player base is a wealth of creativity and originality that the Seers can draw upon.

Personally, I'd love to be a Seer. I'm a builder at heart. With my (ill-fated) library idea - still in the works - and a host of other non-completed plans, I'm far from perfect. And just as Drocket said, 'those who desire power, usually don't deserve it', is probably true in this case, in which I defer to his wisdom. However, as a long time DM and up-and-coming pseduo World Builder for my own little project, I can happily say that I'd much prefer life on WoD as a Seer than a player? Why? Well, anyone who's seen me hunt knows why. :oops: I'm not desirious of playing the game. Rather, I want to build and create and inspire.. stories and quests with depth and interest; large and small. I want to give *life* to WoD.

But then again, so do many others, and why should I stand over them? To this question I have no answer, and though my love for WoD may extend to each horizon, I feel I am without place. My goal in WoD, foolishly so, was in fact to be picked to become a Seer, but alas that dream will not come to pass. There are so many others I could easily name to fulfil this role, accept this mantle and make WoD a place of joy and life, and nearly all of them have posted in this forum.

Melancholy and dramatism aside, WoD definately needs Seers. But Drocket's reluctance to pick them is understandable. It involves responsibility, committment and a great deal of trust. As I said at the start of my post, players with a desire to become Seers may do well to host player events, submit quest ideas, and so forth. Standing out in the crowd is the best way to get noticed. Perhaps I should take some of my own advice...

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Postby fitzchivary on Tue Apr 27, 2004 1:36 am

Great ,since my name was brought up in this!
so get ready to flame me to death,or take it with a grain of salt and ignore me .

where to start.

ok lets start with azzo and his ppl who whine to much and should be removed.
lets see every family i have ever seen is not a brady bunch or a i leave it to beaver every family there are family members who do not get alonge and never will!
but as it is in real life the family helps on another in hard times.
when i see people who die, even if i just got flamed by them hard in the froums I ask them if they need help,i might not like what they say on the froums or that they flame me on the froums.
but i do not carry that in to the game ,in game its a totaly differnt world!
no matter what you do you will never get a perfect family!


well you will always have these no matter what,tell the truth its more like.
people want to hunt with there friends and people they feel comfertable with.
but i do not see people at quests such as the brunibans or at the shadowpack quest going i will not join in this hunt due to the fact i hate that person over there.
nope they join in and everone fights for the good of the shard and for fun.
i know im one of the unlike people on this shard .
when i was less then 2 month on this shard i made quite a few booboos .
but as all perople i learn from my mistakes,you dont see me doing a .sort ,or draging an ancient into a gate when im gateing out of a cave,but even though i made mistakes like the ancient instead of just leaving it there and runing away i called for help to kill it .
to bad it ended up just being a flame war on the boards about how stupid new people can be!
and i can tell you one thing people dont forgive very well or is it they dont forget to well and if you make a mistake later on they just hammer you to death and try to make you look like a grief player on the froums.
but im sure after a good flaming in the froums and about how bad a player is in game ,
a gm/seer or maybe even drocket watches that person and sees what that person is really like in game .hum...maybe thats the reason why there still here?

whine and cry about how we oppress them or we want to change it for our own reasons

i love this one!
ok lets get down to it right here and right now.
this is refering to the magic changes wanted by some players.
they want to take 10 str from mages and make it into intel.
granted most mages are over powered but thats mages with necro not hybrids like druids etc.
i can go in game right now on my tank
granted unbuffed his ar and str are good but when buffed whoot i get 165 str to 175 str!
my ar is 70-78 max buffed. already proved that in my pics.
the shame of it is when i proved my point in my opionin i just got flamed and i flamed right back.
i was basically told i dont know crap i shouldnt even be here im stupid ,etc.
o ya and my spelling and puncuation sucks!
when i pointed out necros not only get 2-3 hour buffs BUT GET UP TO 7 EXTRA AR FROM LICH
i was flamed harder.
hum guess some people didnt want the fact know that lich gives you an extra 5-7 ar bonus cause it was never fixed in the mage fixes to bring mages down some.
so any mage who doesnt need animal lore can just jack in necro and get back that ar bonus they lost plus have it last for 2 1/2 hours or more, longer they poloy did.
i wonder why it became a flame war when i started talking about necros and there buffs......hum.....!
my wife pointed that one out to me if you look hard into the changes you will see lich was
fixed to be like poloy with added ar bonus that does not depend on invocation but on necro!
so even a lowly tank can use it like a mage getting +27 to all stats add in extra ar !

The best time is when there's a number of people online

here i agree with drocket 100%!
i can not count the times i have logged on and i see a total of 5-10 people online for hours.
hard to run a quest well a real good one with so few players online!

just the other day i found a brigs son and killed him and got a note i went stright to the bank and asked anyone ther if they wanted to go on a quest.
did i stop to think ghee i hate that person ,or he just flamed me on the froums.
nope im not that shallow even though i dont agree with a few of the people who joined us on the quest.i dont let it bother me in game cause im ther to have fun!
as to why it wasnt written on the froums i can only say i soemone on the quest to write it up as i didnt feel like getting flamed cause of my spelling and puncuation!plus im not very good at writening this up.

ACK omg i agree with Joram Lionheart!
the end of the shadow packs quest was great!
but i am one of the people who really have no clue as to the queen and what role she plays.
i have heard about her in the quest and know a little about her.i do rember there being a post or web site about the history of wod but i cant find it now anyone know where it is ?

even though me and my wife said we where leaving cause druids got nerfed majorly.
drocket put back some of the lost ar which made druids some what playable agine.
but i also readed the changes from a long time ago and figured out about necros and some other tweaks others know about but do not say so in the froums!
hell someone even posted that necros get longer buffs cause they dont get ar bonus that was a bold face lie!
but as you can see im still here anyhoo to bad my wife cathavene doesnt play here unless its to save me or to unlock a chest for me .

o yes can i judge if the shard needs more seers ?
no i can not and i do not think anyone here who isnt a staff member can judge or say if we need more seers,only drocket and them can !
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Postby Kramer Vorlock on Tue Apr 27, 2004 1:43 am

To be truthful I have been her for 6 months and never seen the queen. I heard about Blackthorn but never in great detail. Just to post about the ongoing story :oops:
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Postby Bronwyn on Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:25 am

I have to say the seer that put on the "Vernon" quest Rocked!! I have been here right at a year and this is the first time I have seen 42 people online. That my friends is just "Fantastic". I have been on many quest here at Wod. Each and every one of them have been unique well thought out and planned to perfection. Quest like these are not just tossed together in an hour. They are many hours of work. From the thinking of what would be fun for everyone. To the route the quest will take. Making sure while the quest is going on the players are following the route and story line of the quest. All to finish with the desired end. "Everyone had a blast" it doesn't always work out that way for everybody. But these guys try very hard to achieve that end result. They have a very hard job to do. I personally want to thank them for a wonderful time here at Wod without them I would be bored to tears.

Thanks Guys
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Postby fitzchivary on Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:41 am

yes all the quest i have been on ROCK.
so no complaints there!

omg im agreeing with too many people on this forums!
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Postby Eldric on Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:46 am

fitzchivary wrote:when i pointed out necros not only get 2-3 hour buffs BUT GET UP TO 7 EXTRA AR FROM LICH

Actually, unless there is a bug I am not seeing, this is incorrect, both polymorph and lich provide a bonus to AR in the amount of statbuff/3, lich provides either 1-4 or 0-3 more stat buff than polymorph does so at most the additional AR bonus is 1 point higher than it would be for polymorph.
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Postby fitzchivary on Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:27 am

i get 5-7 ar bonus on lich .
very easy to prove, must be a bug then.

cause on my druid/mage when i cast poloy i get 1-2 ar bonus.
so thats 5 more ar i get on my tank who uses lich compared to a mage with 110 invocation.
my tank has 60 invocation .
something is just totaly wrong there

im sitting here in the bank right now with 74 ar
i got a +25 on lich with 6 ar bonus lasting 3 hours 49 mins!
with only 80 necro and 60 invocation. o yes 164 str got low specters touch this time only +11 but lasts 2 hours 39 mins.

but this is for the tech forums so ill drop it !
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Postby Eldric on Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:52 pm

fitzchivary wrote:i get 5-7 ar bonus on lich .
very easy to prove, must be a bug then.

That range seems accurate, the upper end of the range might be closer to 9 points if you got very lucky.

cause on my druid/mage when i cast poloy i get 1-2 ar bonus.

Something is wrong here, if you are only getting a 1-2 AR bonus from polymorph you must only be getting a 3-6 point stat buff from it. Depending on exact skill set a straight mage should run something like 18-24 point stat buff with an accompanying 6-7 points of AR, a Druid type would probably get a tiny bit less.
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Postby Orion Michaels on Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:12 pm

fitzchivary wrote:Great ,since my name was brought up in this!
so get ready to flame me to death,or take it with a grain of salt and ignore me .

*flames fitz*
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Postby fitzchivary on Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:22 pm

must be its very wierd ill have to test this mor cause my ar buffs are just way to low.
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Re: The way I see it...

Postby Ehran on Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:06 pm

Henna wrote:

There's an ongoing storyline to the shard? *dances in excitement* Oh, please, please, please tell me where I can learn about this! I have been here 2 months today (yay!) and have caught only a few brief glimpses of generalized characters such as the queen, but was not aware of an ongoing storyline... I would LOVE to hear/read/learn about it... I have loved reading through the stories on the forum and the few player submitted stories on the manual I have read.. but have yet to come accross anything that seems to be a general history of the story of the shard... does such a thing exist? If so, could some kind soul point me in the right direction?

if you look back you will find a link which leads to the old message boards which Arcanum used to run. On those boards you will find writeups of many of the old time quests. there is also a historical series in the manual which hits the high points of wod for the first half of its life. you might also consider cornering an established player and asking them to regale you with tales of the good ol days. this is not for the faint of heart however. :wink:
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