by Drocket on Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:14 am
Well, I can see a lot of confusion from this, since its a lot more difficult to figure out what the correct weapon would be in a given situation. If the henchman has a silver weapon of quality and a regular sword of maiming, one isn't necessarily better than the other. Then, in addition, you'd have to have them trying to decide whether they should switch from one handed to two handed, plus trying to remember to switch back to regular once they're fighting a non-undead creature. Though, of course, that assumes that the regular weapon is better than the silver one - what if they have a silver weapon of might and a regular weapon of maiming?
Basically, its a pretty complicated situation and I don't know if I could write AI that would do a decent job of making those sort of decisions. In those sort of situations, I think its usually best to keep the AI out of the way of the player's decisions.