Putting the bard back into barding.

Let's face it OSI style barding is insane and aside from peacemaking really has no basis in anything.
*waves bye bye to existing system*
I don't know how many people here would have played it, but long ago there was a game called "The Bards Tale", in it bards were cool, and while a group could get by without one they were incredibly handy to have around. Some of it doesn't really translate well into UO terms but I'm going to give it a shot and then tack on a few other ideas.
Skill #1: Musicianship - this is your ability to play and continue to carry a tune. When a song is playing (details follow) there is a musicianship skill check every 10 seconds if it fails and must be restarted this is subject to the 2 minute timer.
Skill #2: Harmonics - this is your ability to channel the song for increased effectiveness. Harmonics is to musicianship as invocation is to magery.
Once a song is started it continues and affects any of the target group in range (something along the lines of campfire ranges probably will work well) until it is stopped, there is a 2 minute delay between ending a song and being able to start the next one. A bard can only have one song active at a time. Two (or more) bards could have different songs going but not stack to double a given effect of a single song. This musicianship skill check and timer is not part of the original vision but is probably needed for play balance issues otherwise everyone would have access to the songs at 60 skill.
Ok, on to the songs: I am listing these with their original power and my attempt at UOifying them
1 Falkentyne's Fury This tune increases the damage your party will do in combat, by driving them into a berserker rage.
If the song is playing all friendlies(Note 1) gain an additional harmonics/5-10 to their total damage (added in last after all the assorted multipliers), so the bonus would be 2 at 60, 6 at 80 and 10 at 100. *thinks* Actually that looks like it might be a bit high, but it seems a decent starting point for discussion purposes..
2 The Seeker's Ballad This song will produce light when exploring, and during combat it will increase the party's chance of hitting a foe with a weapon.
The light effect would be fairly useless, I'm going to ignore that. As far as combat goes if the song is active all friendlies (Note 1) have an increased chance to hit of harmonics/5-10.
3 Wayland's Watch This song will soothe your savage foes, making them do less damage in combat.
All hostiles (Note 1) in range do reduced damage (after all assorted multipliers) at a rate of harmonics/5-10.
4 Badh'r Kilnfest This is an ancient melody, which will heal the Bard's wounds during traveling, and heal the party's wounds during combat
All friendlies (Note 1) in rage are healed at a rate of harmonics/10-5 hit points every 10 seconds.
5 The Traveller's Tune This melody makes the members of your party more dexterous and agile, and thus more difficult to hit.
All friendlies (Note 1) in range have thier AR increased by harmonics/10-5.
6 Lucklaran This song sets up a partial "anti-magic" field, which gives party members some increased protection against spell casting.
All friendlies in range gain an additional harmonics/10 to their magic resistance.
That is it for the original songs, I can easily see at least one more, basically being the opposite of song 2 to hostiles.
Having equipable instruments would be very handy for this, and limiting armour to ring mail (or chain mail) or less wouldn't hurt too, though I would give the music related skills high dex components at the expense of str so probably you wouldn't be able to hit 90 strength anyway.
All of that is useful and a bard would be something any group would want to have around but is probably going to be boring actually play as it doesn't have much in the way of active things to do, possibly we could have another skill called Dischordance, this is a sonic attack that can be used either at range or against those close at hand. Discordance could also be used as your defensive skill to avoid being hit by melee in combat There is a musicianship skill check to hit similar to melee combat hitting now and do damage a bit less than what an exceptional bow does now.
Another item the game had was firehorns which were magic instrument that basted off a stream of fire at a group of foes, while this probably wouldn't be difficult to make it might wind up being a bit over the top.
Actually on rereading this it may be a bit too powerful, but I think the concept is sound, assuming of course it's even something that is even theoretically scriptable.
Note 1: Not exactly sure how to implement this, karma blue and karma red status won't really work, nor does simply checking based on being a player or not as it would then possibly do bad things/ignore pets.
PS yes I am aware that it is at best odd for someone leading the campaign against buffing to be proposing a bunch of new ones ...
*waves bye bye to existing system*
I don't know how many people here would have played it, but long ago there was a game called "The Bards Tale", in it bards were cool, and while a group could get by without one they were incredibly handy to have around. Some of it doesn't really translate well into UO terms but I'm going to give it a shot and then tack on a few other ideas.
Skill #1: Musicianship - this is your ability to play and continue to carry a tune. When a song is playing (details follow) there is a musicianship skill check every 10 seconds if it fails and must be restarted this is subject to the 2 minute timer.
Skill #2: Harmonics - this is your ability to channel the song for increased effectiveness. Harmonics is to musicianship as invocation is to magery.
Once a song is started it continues and affects any of the target group in range (something along the lines of campfire ranges probably will work well) until it is stopped, there is a 2 minute delay between ending a song and being able to start the next one. A bard can only have one song active at a time. Two (or more) bards could have different songs going but not stack to double a given effect of a single song. This musicianship skill check and timer is not part of the original vision but is probably needed for play balance issues otherwise everyone would have access to the songs at 60 skill.
Ok, on to the songs: I am listing these with their original power and my attempt at UOifying them
1 Falkentyne's Fury This tune increases the damage your party will do in combat, by driving them into a berserker rage.
If the song is playing all friendlies(Note 1) gain an additional harmonics/5-10 to their total damage (added in last after all the assorted multipliers), so the bonus would be 2 at 60, 6 at 80 and 10 at 100. *thinks* Actually that looks like it might be a bit high, but it seems a decent starting point for discussion purposes..
2 The Seeker's Ballad This song will produce light when exploring, and during combat it will increase the party's chance of hitting a foe with a weapon.
The light effect would be fairly useless, I'm going to ignore that. As far as combat goes if the song is active all friendlies (Note 1) have an increased chance to hit of harmonics/5-10.
3 Wayland's Watch This song will soothe your savage foes, making them do less damage in combat.
All hostiles (Note 1) in range do reduced damage (after all assorted multipliers) at a rate of harmonics/5-10.
4 Badh'r Kilnfest This is an ancient melody, which will heal the Bard's wounds during traveling, and heal the party's wounds during combat
All friendlies (Note 1) in rage are healed at a rate of harmonics/10-5 hit points every 10 seconds.
5 The Traveller's Tune This melody makes the members of your party more dexterous and agile, and thus more difficult to hit.
All friendlies (Note 1) in range have thier AR increased by harmonics/10-5.
6 Lucklaran This song sets up a partial "anti-magic" field, which gives party members some increased protection against spell casting.
All friendlies in range gain an additional harmonics/10 to their magic resistance.
That is it for the original songs, I can easily see at least one more, basically being the opposite of song 2 to hostiles.
Having equipable instruments would be very handy for this, and limiting armour to ring mail (or chain mail) or less wouldn't hurt too, though I would give the music related skills high dex components at the expense of str so probably you wouldn't be able to hit 90 strength anyway.
All of that is useful and a bard would be something any group would want to have around but is probably going to be boring actually play as it doesn't have much in the way of active things to do, possibly we could have another skill called Dischordance, this is a sonic attack that can be used either at range or against those close at hand. Discordance could also be used as your defensive skill to avoid being hit by melee in combat There is a musicianship skill check to hit similar to melee combat hitting now and do damage a bit less than what an exceptional bow does now.
Another item the game had was firehorns which were magic instrument that basted off a stream of fire at a group of foes, while this probably wouldn't be difficult to make it might wind up being a bit over the top.
Actually on rereading this it may be a bit too powerful, but I think the concept is sound, assuming of course it's even something that is even theoretically scriptable.
Note 1: Not exactly sure how to implement this, karma blue and karma red status won't really work, nor does simply checking based on being a player or not as it would then possibly do bad things/ignore pets.
PS yes I am aware that it is at best odd for someone leading the campaign against buffing to be proposing a bunch of new ones ...