Belle Remings and Raven called Edison, Angelica and myself to the Troll Valley yesterday because they had found a nest of Sand Dwellers. There is a little alcove at the extreme NE end of the Valley and the "Sandies" were packed in good and tight. We took our time and cleared them out, and Belle found a note.
**Warning: this is not for the faint of heart!**
- Armor Order Form:
Ultralight Platemail
Ultra sturdy leather armor (mages)
Tempered Mage Staves
We will contact if you we need to order more...
In addition, we found sandstone ingots and sandstone ore. We checked Trinsic, the old Praet Fort, Magincia and a few other places but didn't find any more Sandies.
If they truly do have an army of 20,000 fighters and 10,000 mages...