These should be activated by "power words" just like necro and druid spells. Each should be dependant upon 1 or more skills, some having nothing to do with magery, druidry, or necromancy. Simple things like for instance: "Camouflage" could be for those characters who fancy themselves Rangers... maybe dependant upon you Tracking skill... say at 60 skill you would "hide" only yourself, at 80 you could "hide" within 1 tiles, and at 100 at 5 tiles... just simple little things that really wouldn't cause too much of a change in game-play. Also, the skill checks should be MUCH easier for these "skills" than with normal magery, necro, and druidry spells, as they should be considered more like "skills" rather than spells. Each character should be able to choose only two of them, and be limited to only those 2 that they pick, being able to change their choices, for a fee, at a special altar, or something similar to the druid table. Maybe changing your skills could "cost" you Virtue points, effectively draining you back to 0 if you changed your mind.
Minor Globe of Invulnerability - Creates an "aura" around the caster, effectively making him/her invulnerable for a short period of time. Duration is equal to (player int x 2) seconds. A player tabbing into war mode immediately drops the Globe. Players cannot attack, cast spells, or move while "invulnerable", but also cannot BE attacked. Requires 60.0 magery to cast.
Major Globe of Invulnerability - Nearly identical to Minor Globe of Invulnerability except that it requires 80.0 magery to cast, has twice the duration [(player int x 4) seconds] and produces an area of effect to aid nearby allies of a 5 tile radius.
Call Lightning - Similar to the normal mage spell of Chain Lightning, this spell creates an "aura" around the caster, raising him/her into the air (+10 z), and unleashing multiple chain lightning strikes within the spell's area of effect (+ and - 10 x, + and - 10 y) The number of strikes is determined by the casters stamina and mana- each strike uses 10 stamina and 10 mana until one, or both are depleted to a point where further strikes are impossible. Care should be taken with this spell, as it does not consider friendlies in the area of effect, and will effectively fry your entire party if you are careless with its casting. Requires 80.0 Druidry to cast.
Camouflage - Similar to a thief's Hiding skill, except this takes effect immediately, will remain in effect for as long as the caster can maintain concentration, and can ONLY be uaed in "natural" surroundings... i.e. no using it in dungeons or towns. Like the hiding skill, it cannot be used while in war mode, but with this, the caster may be mounted. Furthermore, if the caster's skill is sufficient, he/she may also "Camouflage" his/her allies in a 5 tile radius. Movement, speech, or using any skill while "Camouflaged" would reveal the player. Requires 60.0 Tracking to use. At 20.0 point intervals, the caster would gain the ability to conceal allies at 1 tile radius, then 5 tile radius respectively.
Life Drain - This skill would effectively suck the life force out of creatures, much like the vampires do, and grant it to the caster. Maximum amount of life force drained would be determined by the caster's Anatomy skill. This would be a melee "touch" ability, and possibly require that the caster be unarmed. At 60.0 skill, the life tap would be only 10-15 points, but at 80.0 skill, this would raise to 15-25, and at 100.0 the increase would jump to 25-50. Using this skill would also "use" both stamina and mana at a rate of 10 points each until depleted.
Sactuary - This spell would instantly teleport the caster to a planar "safe haven" where he/she could heal, buff, eat, etc... he/she could remain in this Sanctuary for as long as was deemed necessary. When it is decided to leave the Sanctuary, he/she may do one of two things: either cast the spell again to be returned to the point they had been teleported to the Sanctuary from, or recall out. Requires 60.0 healing to cast. At 80.0 healing, all allies within 5 tiles will also be teleported with the caster.
Shield Bash - This skill would require that the user have a shield equipped (obviously), and the damage inflicted would be determined by his/her Parrying ability. It would also "use" stamina upon activation: -10 stamina per use possibly, until it could no longer be used. Damage inflicted would be based on the shield used, and possibly a special shield could be scripted which would cause the maximum amount of damage (i.e. a "spiked shield" or something) but offered only normal or slightly less AR.
Aura of Water - This skill, based on the charaxcter's Invocation or Meditation skill, would create an aura about the caster, effectively doubling, tripling, and quadrupling his/her mana regeneration rate and that of his/her allies. At 60 skill it would double mana regen for just the caster. At 80 skill, triple for a 3 tile radius, and at 100 skill, quadruple for a 5 tile radius.
Anyway, these are just a few ideas I had floating around in the airy space between my ears. I'm sure that Drocket could come up with more if he likes the idea. There should/could be at least one for each skill commonly used, but not spec'd, such as those listed here. Swordsman might have a special Critical Strike, macers, a Crushing Blow, fencers, a Stun Attack, etc, etc, etc...
I'm sure there will be numerous posts and replies about how this would totally throw out of balance game-play, but these skills would be available to EVERYONE, not just those who had saved up 500K, or who chose to be tanks, or druids, or straight mages. And furthermore, each would offset the others... so sure, someone with shield bash and 100 parry might really kick but in melee, but the guy who took Aura of Water would do much better against those casters...