And the manual stats are here:
<a href="">WoD Manual Stats</a>
Sorry they only include November 11-30th
But they are printable if you are so inclined
Some of us would really prefer to not have our IPs posted like this. It's quite the invasion of privacy for you to do this. My initial reaction when I saw that you are publishing the IP addresses of people who visit your site was a bit more profane than this one is. Would you please remove this information from your site? It serves no useful purpose.
it's interesting when you take that test. i am much more libertarian than i thought and somewhat more leftist. -5.2/-3.33 if anyone else takes it and wants to compare.
you know if you think about it rational self interest would tend a person to think leftist on social issues. the whole idea of the starving masses makes me really nervous if you think about history at all.