Report to Guildmaster Connor:

Discussion about quests and other in-game special events

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Report to Guildmaster Connor:

Postby Cloudchaser on Sat Nov 09, 2002 11:28 pm

Report to Guildmaster Connor:

As per your information regarding the breech of the Abyss, we assembled a group to investigate Buc's Den. Upon our arrival we encountered various Pirates, Sisters and other hostile entities. As we made our way towards the northwest section of Bucs Den, fighting grew even more fierce, as we encountered Coven Sisters, Coven Scouts and masses of Fire Elementals.

In the northwest corner of the City of Bucs Den, 2 foul looking black gates were discovered. After some discussion it was decided we would take the left gate.

Through the gate were some tunnels. We made our way through, encountering wave after wave of Coven Scouts and other various Coven members. One Knight of the Coven spoke to us demanding to know why we had invaded their sacred place. He informed us the source of the breach of the Abyss was none of our concern and that we should leave immediately.

The battle continued for what seemed hours and we fought our way deeper. We encountered more and more Coven members, including Coven Matriarchs, Apprentices of the Pillar and other terrible Coven membres. The way was treacherous, with traps everywhere.

We finally neared what we thought the was the end of the tunnels, where we were taunted by a Coven Sister named Trianna. Suddenly a fresh onslaught of Apprentices and Coven members was upon us!

Casualties were high in this battle and we feared all was lost. We forged on until we reached a stairway...but the way was blocked and we had no choice but to gate ourselves out. A book was found here saying this:

Instructions for the Summoning Ritual

Author Unknown

The Summoning Ritual can only be successful if the participants are Grand Masters of Necromancy and have a true and unbreakable hatred of the soul being summoned. There must be seven participants and all must meet the criteria. These seven souls must speak the words in unison and must speak them with total and complete conviction. Once the words are spoken, teh soul will become present and will bind itself to the seven participants. The seven participants will then become guardians of the summoned soul. So long as the seven remain alive the soul shall remain a servant. Do not allow the seven to die.

We re-grouped at Nujelm and decided to return to Buc's Den to try the other gate, as Trianna escaped us.

We fought our way from the docks of Buc's Den to the location of the black gates. We entered the 2nd gate and found ourselves on Temple Island, where we encountered even more Coven members. We fought furiously and eventually came face to face with Trianna yet again.

We finally reached the Temple, where a ritual was under way...we fought harder then, knowing we must not allow that ceremony to be completed. At long last, we were victorious!

A note was also found:

The Summoning Spoken with passion and believed without question, the words are the bond. Spoken by the seven, souls become one. We shall find, as our souls combine, our fates are destined to bind.

Respectfully Submitted by Cloudchaser

The following are the brave souls who participated in this mission:

Pau Atei
Rhythm Wolfsong
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Postby Atei on Sun Nov 10, 2002 12:38 am

A brave tale indeed, Lady Cloudchaser.
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Postby Ehran on Sun Nov 10, 2002 11:55 am

I would point out that i was forced to leave early in the quest. the honour and glory belongs to those able to see it through to the bitter end. :oops:
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