Celeste Kendreyl wrote:Hmmm, if you're having that much trouble with those casters I suggest investing in a few more skills: Music and Provoke for one set. Even at 60 skill in each, you will find, especially with a mage, their services invaluable against many creatures that seek to do you harm.
I do have 60/60 music/provoke. I use it. It was very helpful for a hybrid character. Of course if you cant survive the intial round of flame strikes from the multiple casters provoke is a moot point. Also its on the to do list of changes to make provoke even weaker than it is now.
Heck, you even have a chance, albeit, a slim chance, of "dazzling" even an anceint dragon! And the ability the make 2 of those casters start slinging spells at each OTHER, instead of at you I should think you would find most interesting. Another set of skills you might want to invest in would be hiding and sneaking, although these are all but useless at less than a minimum of 80 skill, they are just as effective on the "keeping me safe from danger" front.
Dont have any secondary skill slots open.

) And again my intent is not to hide from them but to kill them.

Leadership used a screen away when you can only see a single name of one of those casters will bring them out to you one at a time, where you may deal with them in a more head-to-head enviroment (60 skill in provoke works the same way).
Leadership perhaps if you mean taunting them. Henchies at 60% just mean a lot of rezzing.
Perhaps archery? To fling your own damage causing projectiles back their way?
I have 60% archery. Still doesnt address how to survive against multiple spellcasters. You can only target one npc at a time. They can ALL target you.
Alchemy? To mix up some of MY favorite brews: gr. explosions?
I use these some but unless your 5 casters are nice enough to stand in a cluster not much help.
And don't forget that LOS plays the single most important role in the life of any caster... use it to your advantage, and to their DISadvantage at all times. A well placed wall of stone can mean the difference between life and death in some of these dungeons... especially with 3-4 bloodliches, 3-4 bone warlocks, and various other little nasty buggers all trying to flamestrike you out of existance.
Wall of stone is fine as a block but it does block you too. If all I want to do is not get killed I can just not go in dungeon.

None of this addresses the heart of the matter.