List of Incidents and Notes concerning the Prophet

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List of Incidents and Notes concerning the Prophet

Postby Bayn on Sun Aug 24, 2003 2:52 am

I went through all the information here I could find and compiled a list of information about the Prophet. The Prophet does not appear to be located in any one place although Serpent's Hold, Jhelom and especially the Britain Brigand Fort seem to be hotspots. I have seen activity at all the moongates and witnessed attacks on travelers in Moonglow and Trinsic.

The "new homeland" is supposedly in Yew and the most evidence has been discovered at the west Britain Brigand fort. This area seems to be a likely one for deeper investigation. Aren't the crypts up there somewhere? That might be a likely place for a rebellious leader to hole up.

Here is the complete list I have been studying, has anyone else seen any more information?

Elric (Edison) found a note from a pirate (location unknown) that says this:
"After a quick rescue operation Angelica and I recovered a note (I believe from a pirate) that reads as follows."
We hear tell that the brigands claim to have a prophet. Don't be fooled by this. It is just some crazy madman from wind from what we hear. Remember we are your allies! We do not make demands like they do! Remember that! To the cause!

Book given to Atei by Fonro after a rescue at Britain Brigand Fort:
The pillars of creation long ago set in motion the course of future events. For those that follow, it is only a matter of understanding their divine intent. The rule of the wealthy tyrants of this land will soon come to an end. This was forseen. Now it is your time to play a part in this struggle. You are holy warriors engaged in a just cause! You will not be denied, in this world or the next. Many must sacrifice their lives to ensure a better future. This is the way of the earth: growth, strife, pain, death and rebirth! You, through your struggle will assist in the birth of a new land, one governed by justice and the laws of creation. Do not flag in this struggle. You will be rewarded in this world or the next. Death to our mortal foes! Rise up! Rise up!

Note found by Loki D'Streeya from Britain Brigand Fort:
Tell our allies to move forward. We need the Queen's subjects occupied while we pursue our plans.
To the cause!!

Signed The Prophet **

Another note found by Loki D'Streeya apparently at same location:
We walk a shaky path to our destiny.
We cannot afford failures.
Go and instruct the troops to kill
as many Brittanians as they can.
We shall rebuild.
~The Prophet

ShadowStone found this note at Serpent's Hold:
"we came across a note called "The Word!". It reads as follows: "
Let is be known that a prophet has arisen amongst us. He tells us of our victory. He tells us the time draws near. All should hearken to his words! Rise up! Rise up!

ShadowStone also found this note at the Britain Brigand Fort:
"Along the way we picked up another note, called "He is among us!",which reads as follows: "

Spread the word to the troups. A prophet is among us! He tells our victory, of our new homeland in Yew. He says we shall have peace, but only after much fighting. Hearken to his words and rally the people!

Atei (Mhoram Vorial?) found this in Jhelom:
I am tired of hearing about failures! Bring me the heads of ten Britanians or I will have your heads!
-The Prophet

Dracovich found this at Skara Brae moongate where he was assaulted and killed by angry villagers:
"The note said: "

Bring Me Heads! I want all Britannians to cower in terror! -The Prophet

"and the sash is red and was labelled 'The Order of The Prophet'."
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Cancel the Crypts

Postby Bayn on Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:21 am

I went through the Crypts and found nothing but an ogre, an ogre lord and a other miscellany. Pretty deserted there. But, I think that the Yew area is a good place to continue to investigate and the Brigand fort sw of Britain.
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