I am sorry that I haven't been around to keep up the farm the last few months. I had been maintaining it for around a year now, but I recently started my first job out of college and haven't had a lot of time to play. I also recently got engaged and I am having to begin wedding planning
Some of you may know my fiance, Naelyan Dracona, however she doesn't play that often anymore.
I got so caught up in everything that I did realize that it had been over two weeks since I had last logged on and most of the farm had decayed by that point. So I sort of figured that nobody was really using the farm anymore, and also I was low on funds after having to replant the orchard a few months ago when a player purposely destroyed the orchard
I logged in today I was surprised that somebody had replanted the farm. I am glad to know that some of you took up maintaining the farm in my absense.
Simon, I really like your idea for making the farm permanent. Would save me from having to replant it every few months. Especially since it cost me around 140k gold last time
If this would happen I would gladly shell out the last of my gold to make a permanent farmland and orchard in Britain. I had mostly been maintain the farm for the use of other players anyways and I love it if it could be made a permanent addition to the Britain Farmlands