
Any discussion about WoD that doesn't fit into another category

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Postby Ehran on Sun Mar 14, 2004 9:01 pm

perhaps less a case of intolerant than overprotective? many of the people who play here are refugees from OSI and the pk shards who have very bad memories of what that was like. the urge to nip things in the bud before they become common place must be pretty strong in those people.
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Postby Homer on Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:15 pm

Now, Ehran, you may have "bear issues", but I have much more reason than you to be squeemish about cemetery fighting. As many times as I have died, I cannot help but wonder how many of those skelatons and ghosties are... well... related. Know what I mean?
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Postby Dodge on Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:23 pm

you misunderstood me ehran, I have nothing but praise for WOD and the spirit in which it is played. My wife plays regularly and thoroughly enjoys herself, suffering from anxiety in real life she is easily stressed and Osi could simply become too much at times.

I was referring to the intolerance of the few on the forum who seem oft too quick with the snide, smart comments simply because someones opinion or priority differs from their own. Forum users are faceless, its easy to forget they have feelings, sure, sticks and stones etc.... but the written word can often be construed the wrong way, what may be a flippant remark can come accross as offensive so surely that adds a certain responsibility on our part to take care in what we write, nothing in a game is worth hurting someones feelings for. Would RR have put on a baby voice and gone into his sarcastic Mommy Mommy routine to anyones face, I suspect not, so why do it on here? Because he has the opportunity to without consequence? I fail to see either the provocation or the justification for it.

I am genuinely in awe at the way WOD is played in such a good hearted and mature way and I take my hat off to all concerned, just find it a shame that a few lack the self discipline to carry this mutual respect over to the forum.

regards Dodge.
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Postby roger-rabbit on Tue Mar 16, 2004 6:37 am

I was referring to the intolerance of the few on the forum who seem oft too quick with the snide, smart comments simply because someones opinion or priority differs from their own. Forum users are faceless, its easy to forget they have feelings, sure, sticks and stones etc.... but the written word can often be construed the wrong way, what may be a flippant remark can come accross as offensive so surely that adds a certain responsibility on our part to take care in what we write, nothing in a game is worth hurting someones feelings for.

See page 1 post 1
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Postby Dodge on Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:23 pm

ok Rog, I re read it. It is a persons opinion of an occurence in game. I myself in an earlier post admitted to having done similar and it had indeed been due to laziness.

It evoked a civilised discussion with regard to the pros and cons of doing such a thing. It aparrently hit a raw nerve with you but you seem incapable of forwarding a reasonable response as to why, choosing instead a feeble attempt at ridicule.

I wonder were you the person in question? If so why not, if so affronted by the statement, offer your reasoning why it is ok to do so, just as several others did.

Incidentally, I am curious why the Alias? Care to enlighten us? It would suggest that you knew your post was dodgey before you made it.

Also you attempt to use my post to point out the affronability of post 1. Rog, the two dont begin to compare. For one thing, the poster never mentioned any names, whereas your post was clearly aimed at belittling a specific person who at least had the nerve to post under their usual name. It was in effect a flame, which I have never considered to be in the spirit of WOD as a game so why on the forum? If you feel the urge to do this, may I suggest the Stratics forums and see how out of your depth you would soon become with a post like that one, away from the security of the largely self restrained (commendably), posters on here.
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Postby Greywolfe on Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:44 pm

Well once again I feel compelled to add my 2 cents to this discussion. First off, Dodge it is logical that you would of course stand up to defend your wife. However, I think the point RR is making is that your wife was the one to start the debate, stating that veteran that cleans the graveyard is lazy. This is certainly shallow thinking considering the many variables myself and others have presented to justify hunting in the graveyard.

Had she gone and talked to this graveyard bandit, then logic would dictate that the situation would be resolved and her questions answered. Since this did not happen, we must question her motives and assume she never talked to the bandit. Now why would someone avoid discussing the situation directly with the player and instead come to the forums to express their displeasure? Well Dodge, I think your words answer this question magnificently.

Dodge wrote: I was referring to the intolerance of the few on the forum who seem oft too quick with the snide, smart comments simply because someones opinion or priority differs from their own.

In other words summer myst (or Tanya), whatever name she is going by now, called the person in the graveyard lazy “simply because that persons priorities differed from her own.â€
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Postby Rhys Duir on Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:57 pm

Greywolfe wrote:...
This all started because one player cleaned out a graveyard and another player did not like the fact that he/she did. That same graveyard has respawned up to 360 times since the introduction of this thread. Considering there are not 360 active players on WOD at this time, that means that there is more than enough Britain graveyard (or should I say Homer Oldham Memorial Cemetery) to go around. So why make such a big deal that one player went there to kill a mob. If it is to strictly be a newbie area then have a GM post it accordingly, otherwise it is open land and everyone should be free to venture wherever they choose without being persecuted for where they hunt or what pet they bring with them.

Great post and great point, Greywolfe. Hope to see you in game sometime soon, too; players like you make me glad I'm a part of this shard. :)
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Postby Bayn on Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:01 pm

Greywolfe wrote:Well you should really consider choosing your words more carefully then because you have insulted at least 2 posters thus far, (Bayn and RR) and by your definition you have flamed them.

That was a flame? Geez, Joram does a much better job than Dodge.

Good post, Greywolfe!
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Postby Dodge on Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:42 am

Firstly Greywolfe, the many variables you and others made were in fact made AFTER she posted. you accuse her of shallow thinking, yet without the ability of time travel, she could not have taken the posts of others into consideration.

She made the post because she had just returned to game and was starting all her chars from scratch, thus her baby chars were collecting gold to train, this included brit cem naturally,(as well as surrounding woods and farms) which she was more than happy to share with said 'graveyard bandit', although is is difficult to compete with 'all kill' RARRR....when using a new unskilled char.

She had been to the cemetary on two previous occasions within an hour and had not bothered as on both occasions it had been occupied by someone with a dragon...(not just the above person either) so it appeared that it had become acceptable and usual practice since she had stopped playing a year ago.As then it had been frowned upon, the cem being considered primarily for young players and a capeable player would have left to make room for them. This seemed no longer to be the case.

By posting, she was asking the opinion of other older players on this matter.

Ok Greywolfe, if we must question her motives then let us. Was it to start a flame war....dont think so, do you? Was it to ridicule a particular person?.....no, if so she could have mentioned names. Was it attention seeking?....no she is an unconfrontational person, incidentally, this is why she didn't confront anyone at the scene and why she has not posted here again. Deciding not to bother with the boards now, as she can go play osi if she wants to face attitude. So you tell me, what was her motive?

As for her name change which you so observantly took the time to point out, I suspect to suggest my double standards of criticizing RR for his alias, She used Tanya when not playing, changing to Myst so people on the board would know her in game. Not so she could anonymously take the pee out of someone.

Yes, I did insult two posters, one who had just been OTT for no aparrent reason, and one for commending his actions, if you want to call it a flame, i can go with that (although I've shown such self restraint that it hurts, out of respect for the other posters, I dont consider this the place for hot flames). An adult response from RR would have sufficed and saved a lot of hassle dont you think.

You say the whole situation mirrors RRs quip to a tee. Firstly a quip is a short funny remark, not a long drawn out p*** take. Secondly, i posted AFTER his post, are you reading the forum backwards? so he had no knowledge of my reaction when he posted ,therefore that point in his defence doesn't stand up does it?

The issue is simple each person has their own opinion of what is right and what is wrong.

His/her original post most amusingly points out the absurdity of this entire discussion.

Surely double standards? So people can have their opinion, but you are aparrently in a position to judge their choice to debate that opinion as absurd?

It was not directed to one specific person, considering there were 3-4 people that all condemned the graveyard bandit for his/her actions.

Then why refer to post 1 in a further post?

The fact that summer took such offense to it obviously reflects some insecurity on her part, but that is beside the point.

yes it is besides the point, so why mention it? Yes she is insecure, sufferers of anxiety tend to be. Its not a fun condition and it stops her from doing a lot of fun stuff, maybe this is why I am overprotective, who knows? I did actually advise her against using the forum to start with, but she wanted to join in. So congrats, you were right. I daresay you wont have to suffer her questionable motives on here for a while, I appreciate the aparrent pettiness and oversensitivity of it but she genuinely has no control over that so please have the courtesy to keep your observations to yourself about it.

Then when someone disagrees with her on the forums, she once again avoids the confrontation and calls her husband in to speak for her.

Firstly, she didn't ask me to post and wanted to post herself but I could see where it would go and, as I explained, she can do without personal attacks undermining her self opinion. This statement is so presumptious, or have you got my house bugged...you certainly seem to profess a great knowledge of the goings on in my home.
RR didn't simply disagree , he took the p***, making her feel small.Of course I stand up to defend my wife, but I do so without being asked. Initially I didn't support or condemn her statement either way however, merely the unnecessary sarcasm. If I criticized someone whose intellect and wit you clearly admire and support in doing so then thats too bad.
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Postby Dodge on Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:18 am

sorry to go on, but final post by me after consideration.

ok, myst doesnt want to use the forum anymore and regrets causing offence in the first place. This leaves me arguing with people I dont know about a game I am no longer playing. I'm sure my opinions matter to you about as much as yours do to me so I'm off.

Unfortunately I allowed myself to be drawn into an argument which was never my intention. Play as you like, I never professed to care about that anyway.

so, on reflection, and to make everyone happy bunnies again.....

RR your post was spot on, the funniest thing I ever had the fortune to read. Keep up the good work.

Greywolfe, I hope this is more along the lines of what you expect from a forum user. If it makes you happy, the points of your last post have made me see how wrong I was. You were right to defend sarcasm and belittlement as a solution to settling differences of opinion.

Take care all
Dodge.....gone and forgotten.
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