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pol95 problems very wierd

Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:42 pm
by fitzchivary
i have a few problems i cant figure out.
one is when players open there skill list or do .spec i get runaway script skillwin.ecl and it scrolls like 10 times. wondering if this is a problem?
second problem i have is very wierd .
im using pol 95 and client 2.0.0b
everything works fine but for some reason and it varys players and even me will just lock up
not the client not the server ,its like out charecters are frozen but i can see ppl move and stuff around me but i cant do a thing and have to relog to fix this. theres nothing in the pol consule window no errors nothing and we dont lock up at the same time everyone locks up at differnt times doing differnt things.
i cant figure this one out anyone have any ideas?

Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:53 pm
by Lyl
1. The skill window uses a lot of cycles, but its harmless. If the warnings ignore you you can increase the RunawayScriptThreshold in pol.cfg
2. This is just an internet issue, packets are being lost in one way or another.

Wed Oct 01, 2003 7:36 am
by SDonald
Re the locking up issue, are you playing over the internet, on the same PC as POL or from a different LAN connected PC? How long before they freeze and does it always freeze, just a matter of when?
When your character has frozen, do dot commands or clicking on the skills windows, or even moving the status gump around on the screen still work?
Does the console on POL still respond to commands? eg pressing enter will give "Unknown console command". If you are using POL.exe on XP, NT4 or Win2K, what is the cpu cycle doing during this problem. Same for your PC.
When your client freezes, does the console eventually say you have disconnected?
Of course, Lyl may well have spotted it correctly. Me, I'm always confused.
Stephen Donald.

Wed Oct 01, 2003 4:10 pm
by fitzchivary
im playing on the same pc others are playing to me over the internet. and it freezes at random just a matter of time.
when a person freezes you can still talk and do .dotcommands look at your skills you just cant move your charecter. and the consule is still fines still moving and it doesnt affect all players at once only one player at a time ie i was with a player and i locked up couldnt move my charecter but i could talk to the plaer and open my back pack look at my skils ,i did do .fix and i was able to move agine if that helps but .fix doesnt always fix the problem.
the consule doesnt say you dced it says your ther and moving fine. unlewss you do log out
i tested both on win 98 and 2k both do same thing and the cpu cycles are normal

Wed Oct 01, 2003 8:05 pm
by fitzchivary
i take that back only half the time during the lock ups can you still pull up your skills or talk the other half the time your totaly locked up
cant do a thing but pol is fine

Thu Oct 02, 2003 8:59 am
by SDonald
Clutching at straws here, but if POL is running on a dedicated server (ie only POL.EXE running on the sever, not CLIENT.EXE) do people still freeze?
I have to say I have never experienced this problem though.
If POL console says sysload 0 (0) and you don't have lots of spam saying monsters queues are full and discarding events, and there is no delay in executing dot commands, then something is stopping some packets from getting to the server. Do you have a zone alarm or some sort of firewall or virus scanner running on the POL server? Doesn't sound like the problem though.
The client totally freezing is something I get from time to time and may or may not be related to your problem. I run client.exe again and it says 'reconnected'.
I assume you are running a supported version of the client.
Darn it, nothing really fits your problem. Sorry.
Stephen Donald.