
General non-WoD related discussion

Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket


Postby Laephis on Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:19 pm

If you're looking for something to do, you could help me test how my server handles RunUO. I've been tinkering around with it for a couple months, but I haven't run it on my production server, nor have I had more than 3 people connected at one time. So if your interested, send me an email ( laephis (at) sputnik1 (dot) org ), include your old wod account name and I'll setup a new account/passwd for you.

Please heed the disclaimers:
  • This is only a test of connections and server resources. I have a faster server available, but this one has run stable for so long that I'd hate to jinx it. If it can handle the load, I'd rather not change anything. If you have a science or tech background, think of it as "proof of concept."
  • This is not a new shard. It's pretty much stock RunUO with some minor changes that I made a couple months ago. In other words, it's drab and unoriginal and not something I'd ever want to host. It's also going to be buggy and crash. But it might be a fun diversion for the time being.
  • It will eventually be wiped. Don't put too much of yourself into it, but try to have fun with what it is.
  • I'm not interested in policing the shard and dealing with player disputes. In other words, there won't be any warnings. ;)

I think that's it. :)
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