Missing (chip)monks

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Missing (chip)monks

Postby Eldric on Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:17 am

As told by thomas.

I sit here, half filled bottle of wine in one hand and pen hovered over mostly blank paper in the other trying to accurately remember the events of last evening, it occurs to me now that the two things could be related ...

In any case I shall make my best attem..


*wipes wine off paper*

Now where was I, oh right, hadn't started yet.

Angelica and I were starting an attempt at beating back the inhabitants of Hythenloth when Joram messaged saying that a "Dave" had just been by and needed a hand, would we like to help out. We decided to abandon the dungeon and head to town to see what assistance we could be.

Upon arriving we found Joram lining up further reinforcements and explaining the situation, it seems that Dave's (chip)monks had gone missing, sort of. When Dave arrived home he found hastily scrawled notes saying they had gone out but should be back long before he arrived home.

Alvin's note indicated he had gone to Shame, being alvin we figured he would have gone for the high excitement at the bottom, so down we went, past the rats, past the elementals, past the Titans (no wonder he couldn't get back out!), past a few hundred trolls (well maybe 30), more Titans (what were they all doing down there anyway, evicting the trolls? Not anymore we left all for dead.), more trolls, finally found Alvin and sent him packing off home.

Theodore's indicated he was planning a trip to spend some time with the wildlife around Honor. Knowing the area to be somewhat dangerous of late we gated in a good distance off and actually found and sent him home before heading over to the shrine to see what the conditions of the day were. The shrine turned out to be partly Ettiny with light Demon periods.

Last but not least Simon, who had indicated an interest in studying Draconis Nobilis and went to Deceit, what's that you say no dragons in deceit? Well normally I would agree with you but apparently he knows something we didn't because the bottom was packed, several Royal's and a few ancients also a goodly number of the more usual residents were around, including, but not limited to, the 4 (!) Blood Liches in the main room just below the stairs down from level 3. In the midst of all that mess we managed to evac Simon, I'm sure he will be getting the same harsh words from Dave the other two doubtless got.

All's well that ends well, the (chip)monks all got sent home, nobody died and a good time was had by all, well maybe not Alvin, Simon and Theodore.

*wanders off to bed*

Todays adventure brought to you by Joram Lionheart, Angelica, Gaia, Segovia, Carpy, Ki'Anna Stydoran, Lief Wildwood, Kyven Myr, Lione, parties unknown (thanks guys!) and myself, Thomas.
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Joined: Wed Oct 09, 2002 5:59 pm

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