Two days ago we were dragonfighting in Despise and after we had cleaned the main room we saw a Branubian..and another..and another..tens ofthem..maybe hundreds. Branubians tried to reinvade the bottom of Despise after their butts being kicked only a day before that.
We didn´t have too many people online so we had a good possibility to try different type of questing.
So we took 2 Tamers with their Greaters (Leia and Fitch), 3 VG:s with their henchies ( Tsa, Sheena and Bromix), one poisoning necromancer who used Zombies (Seth) and one Bard Mage (Daalia) to provoke the ones which were possible (only Despises basic spawn was provokable).
After a very short while we learnt to use this group of combined arms and what a blast it was. We cleared whole level in such a short time. And none of us had problems with anyones pets, henchies or zombies.
Thanks to all who participated.