Hi all! Since most of you are familiar with these lands and I'm not, I thought get some advice on where I should be out adventuring.
I have outgrown the Britain graveyard, though it is still my favorite place. :p Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time in the Skara Brae farmlands, that place seems to be a bit too easy for me now, too. At least it was till this morning when I ran into a group of snow orc mages. Alas, I couldn't stay to defend, they were just too powerful for me.
Does anyone have any advice on where to go next? I spent some time today in a dungeon in the mountains north of Britain, that was ok but I'm not a big fan of dungeons, and I did fight some brigands and mages south of Britain last night. Those weren't bad. Good thing my magic resist is almost maxed.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
In case this helps, my fencing, parry, and tactics are all in the low 80s; my healing and magic resist are at 79-80, and anatomy is 60-something.