uhm... ya.
Here's how i ecompile if i'm using a dos window.
there's a .bat file in the /scripts directory called devenv.bat
Copy this one if yours does say it. I've edited the directory already for you.
- Code: Select all
@echo off
REM Environment variables to make life easier when writing scripts
REM Change this to where your POL directory really is
set POLROOT=d:\pol095
set PATH=%PATH%;%POLROOT%\scripts
echo POL development environment set to %POLROOT%
now goto a command prompt. do this:
- Code: Select all
C:\>cd pol095
C:\pol095>cd scripts
POL development environment set to c:\pol095
That's what your dos prompt should say... now
just go
- Code: Select all
C:\pol095\>ecompile -r
this will compile ALL scripts... check: ecompile -?
for all the switches for the program. IF you use the ecompile.cfg file, switches set in the cfg will be overridden if you use a switch in this commandline... In which case, you DO NOT EVEN NEED to do the dos prompt... however, since you are having problems. try this, see if it works...
try this, save as ecompile.cfg
- Code: Select all
## ecompile.cfg: must be in the same directory as ecompile.exe
# ModuleDirectory: Location of *.em files
ModuleDirectory d:/pol095/scripts
# IncludeDirectory: Location of *.inc files, if not found relative
# or with a specified package
IncludeDirectory d:/pol095/scripts
# PolScriptRoot: Location of "::file" includes
PolScriptRoot d:/pol095/scripts
# PackageRoot: root directories where packages are stored
# This can be specified multiple times.
PackageRoot d:/pol095/pkg
GenerateListing 0
GenerateDebugInfo 0
GenerateDebugTextInfo 0
DisplayWarnings 1
CompileAspPages 0
AutoCompileByDefault 1
UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile 1
OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts 0
DisplaySummary 1
GenerateDependencyInfo 0
DisplayUpToDateScripts 0