removing invis gates/ecompile/andmore

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removing invis gates/ecompile/andmore

Postby Kranisar on Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:44 am

1)Whoops working on new dungeons and created the wrong gate. How do ya remove an invisible gate?

2)Is there any other program besides ecomiple that works with pol?
3)Can't get ecompile to work errors in autoexec.bat
What should I add to this. Win98
My files are in d:\pol

SET CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files\PhotoDeluxe 2.0\AdobeConnectables
SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 P330 T6
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Re: removing invis gates/ecompile/andmore

Postby Lyl on Fri Sep 19, 2003 6:08 am

1. Use .destroy and target the gate. If you can't see it use .makeseer to quickly enable seeinvis.

2. Aww cmon, ecompile is not so bad. Anyway, ecompile is the only way to compile pol code. You shouldn't need anyhintg else anyway.

3. Are you using POL 0.95, or 0.94?

If you are using 95 you don't need to set a path or anything in autoexec at all. You can make a cfg file in your pol\scripts\ directory with the directories. Just follow the example cfg file.

If you are using 94 then you want follow Drocket's suggestions:
Did you not read the wod scripts FAQ on his site?
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Postby Kranisar on Fri Sep 19, 2003 6:50 am

Silly me must be late! I tryed to .destroy gate and nothing happened. There were muliple gates within the gates. I just didn't try enough times.

As far as ecompile,and yes I did read the faqs.
I have pol 95 and when I try to use ecompile it loads and then quits.

Do I just change the file directions in the ecompile example file?

By the way Dundee's other Hand is a great program.
Any other program I need to use?
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Postby Lyl on Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:43 am

well, pol 95 core comes with the file scripts\ecompile.cfg.example
Code: Select all
ModuleDirectory    c:\cvsdistro\pol\scripts
IncludeDirectory    c:\cvsdistro\pol\scripts
PolScriptRoot      c:\cvsdistro\pol\scripts
PackageRoot      c:\cvsdistro\pol\pkg
PackageRoot      c:\cvsdistro\pol\devpkg
GenerateListing      1
GenerateDebugInfo   1
GenerateDebugTextInfo   1
DisplayWarnings 1
CompileAspPages 1
AutoCompileByDefault 1
UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile 1
OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts 1
DisplaySummary 1
GenerateDependencyInfo 1
DisplayUpToDateScripts 0

Make a file "ecompile.cfg" in the same directory as a copy of the example. All you have to do is to change the directories "c:\cvsdistro\pol" to whatever the path is on your computer. Then just run ecompile.exe and it will automatically compile any changed scripts in your pkg tree.
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Postby Kranisar on Sat Sep 20, 2003 4:22 am

I changed the path to look for the directories,but ecompile still closes down. Funny, I can program computer programs, but this should be very simple.
My pol dir is in d:\pol095
ecompile is in d:\pol095\scripts

So should ecompile.cfg be (in short form)
mod dir d:\pol095\scripts
inc dir d:\pol095\scripts
pol sc root d:\pol095\scripts
pak root d:\pol095\pkg
pak root ?

I have tryed different ways. Just need a little help.
Need to ecompile pkg import (doors,merchant,gates)
pol says bad version #2
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Re: ecompile

Postby Drocket on Sat Sep 20, 2003 4:38 am

Kranisar wrote:I changed the path to look for the directories,but ecompile still closes down.

Does it close down right away, or after a short (or long) pause? If it takes a while before it shuts down, its possible that it thinks everything is up-to-date, and therefore isn't recompiling it. Something I'd recommend is, instead of just running compile.exe by double-clicking it, open a command window, then change your directory to the POL scripts directory ("cd d:\pol095\scripts") From there, type "ecompile.exe". You should then be able to see what the message(s) its giving you are, instead of having it autoclose before you can read it.

pak root ?

You can skip this second one, probably. Although you can specify multiple pkg directories, you don't need to.

Need to ecompile pkg import (doors,merchant,gates)
pol says bad version #2

I believe that error message is referring to the fact that your scripts are compiled by the wrong version of POL (POL 0.94 format instead of POL 0.95.)
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Well got it going

Postby Kranisar on Sat Sep 20, 2003 6:15 am

Yep,I try double click ecompile program and it just closes. Just opened it up in ms-dos and it works.
I did that before,but after I started ecompile I was going to the file I wanted to compile and then typing ecompile the file.scr. I was not staying in the scripts in just typing ecompile dir\path/scr.etc.

hehe Works great. By the way I got the import pkg to work.I didn't really think that there were sooo many gates. sheeesh. 5-6 for just the entrance to a cave. I see why you pull your hair out sometimes.
Working on the bugs in Famine and going to try out some of the lost lands.

Thanks again for the help!!
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Re: invisgate/ecompile

Postby Grae on Sun Sep 21, 2003 11:22 am

Kranisar wrote:I tryed to .destroy gate and nothing happened. There were muliple gates within the gates. I just didn't try enough times.

Sounds like you ran the import teleports script too many times. I quick way if you find yourself in the same situation again or if they are out of Line Of Sight (which some are) stand right next to them and do .destroyradius 1

Kranisar wrote:By the way Dundee's other Hand is a great program.
Any other program I need to use?

Yes, Hand Of Dundee. Personally I use both HoD & DoH, as one has things the other does'nt and visa versa. InsideUO is another very handy program, and also UOAutoMap can be quite useful also.

Peace Out.
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Postby Kardall on Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:54 am

uhm... ya.

Here's how i ecompile if i'm using a dos window.

there's a .bat file in the /scripts directory called devenv.bat

Copy this one if yours does say it. I've edited the directory already for you.

Code: Select all
@echo off
REM Environment variables to make life easier when writing scripts

REM Change this to where your POL directory really is
set POLROOT=d:\pol095
set PATH=%PATH%;%POLROOT%\scripts


echo POL development environment set to %POLROOT%

now goto a command prompt. do this:
Code: Select all
C:\>cd pol095
C:\pol095>cd scripts

POL development environment set to c:\pol095

That's what your dos prompt should say... now
just go

Code: Select all
C:\pol095\>ecompile -r

this will compile ALL scripts... check: ecompile -?
for all the switches for the program. IF you use the ecompile.cfg file, switches set in the cfg will be overridden if you use a switch in this commandline... In which case, you DO NOT EVEN NEED to do the dos prompt... however, since you are having problems. try this, see if it works...

try this, save as ecompile.cfg
Code: Select all
## ecompile.cfg: must be in the same directory as ecompile.exe

# ModuleDirectory: Location of *.em files
ModuleDirectory d:/pol095/scripts

# IncludeDirectory: Location of *.inc files, if not found relative
#                   or with a specified package
IncludeDirectory d:/pol095/scripts

# PolScriptRoot: Location of "::file" includes
PolScriptRoot d:/pol095/scripts

# PackageRoot: root directories where packages are stored
#              This can be specified multiple times.
PackageRoot d:/pol095/pkg

GenerateListing         0
GenerateDebugInfo       0
GenerateDebugTextInfo   0
DisplayWarnings         1
CompileAspPages         0
AutoCompileByDefault    1
UpdateOnlyOnAutoCompile 1
OnlyCompileUpdatedScripts   0
DisplaySummary          1
GenerateDependencyInfo  0
DisplayUpToDateScripts  0
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