Aye, twas much fun indeed, Zanzabar.
Whilst visiting with the reknowned Seer Lothar and his handbook, Seers for Dummie (
), at the Heart Grove, someone in our little band asked if we could visit Lord Blackthorn's Castle. Laephis soon arrived and agreed to allow it, so a gate was opened and away we went.
While inside Blackthorn's place, someone else asked if Laephis could throw some mobs in there to pass the time. Laephis accomodated us and off we went, fighting dragons in Blackthorn's Castle (and dying, partly because there is no magic allowed in the Castle).
While fighting them, another someone (can you tell I did not take note of the names of my fellow players? sorry!
) found a rune and a note. The rune led us to the Minoc Cave, and from there we went through the portal to T2A. Once inside the Snorc's home (they were fairly messy housekeepers, I must say), we fought several kinds of Orcs, giant frost spiders, frost wyverns, frost drakes, frost dragons, frost Titans, frost this and frost that. Can you say, "Brrrr?"
There were some deaths, of course--what would a quest be without at least some deaths? For the most part, however, the group fought well together. The mages healed the tanks and archers, and the tanks and archers did their best to keep the mobs away from the mages. The special items that were found appeared to be all desty silver weapons, and they were named, too. (Mine was called "Atei's Arrow Launcher," for example.)
In the end, the bad guys were all sent to the seventh circle of Hell where they shall remain until summoned forth on another shard.
For my part, I wish to thank each and every single person who has ever fought, fished, treasure hunted or just explored with me. In addition, I want to thank the Seers, the Admins, the GMs, the Hosts, the Manual Host, Drocket--basically anyone who helped make this place the special place it is. This place has truly become my "World of Dreams," a haven away from real life and real life's "issues." I will never forget the good times and especially the wonderful people I have met.
Finally, thanks Lothar for helping make a Tuesday night not just another Tuesday night. I have a feeling that I will be seeing some of you again, down the road. I have not had a lot of time to play UO lately, but last night reminded me of how much fun it can be.
Take care everyone, and may the Goddess bless.