by Atei on Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:19 am
Player-made leather armor, player-made staves (including lich and druid) and since I didn't specify before, player-made wooden shields. All weapons must be player made as well, and this includes player-made bows.
And no, you may not manastone your mace of macefighting and destruction to your player-made mace. Nothing above exceptional.
I'm very glad to see so much interest!
Ehran, I believe this is actually very WoDian. In the spirit of competition, players will have to work together to accomplish their goal, which is to win the competition. They will no doubt spend countless hours strategizing and planning, leading to even more teamwork. In the end, one team's hard work, dedication and determination will pay off as they will be crowned "Naked Clash Champions of the World of Dreams," setting off celebrations the likes of which haven't been seen since Emperor Palpatine was killed by Darth Vader. It will be wondrous! (I could've called this a "team-building" exercise, but that doesn't sound like much fun, does it?)
Great fun will be had by all, and no one will lose anything except perhaps a spot of pride.
Teams, don't forget to submit your team registration information on these boards.