2 fine buffs, Parry & Swordsmanship
Looking for either in boots/shoes/sandles, platemail gloves of either.
Or instead of a fine swords im looking for an Indestructable of Swordsmanship in either a Doublet/Tunic/Sash, boots/shoes/sandles, Cloak, Platemail Gloves, or on Platemail Helmet/Armor/Leggings/Gloves with atleast Fortification as an AR bonus.
Also instead of a fine Parry buff im looking for an Indestructable Heater Shield of Fortification & Parry in very nice condition.
I have built up a good amount of money and im willing to buy these buffs if the price is fair. Message me in game, Azalin Darfkire and we'll talk.