Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket
Sebastian wrote:So that there is no misunderstanding, we chose not to respond to the help pages. Since the issues weren't bugs, but normal parts of the game, it wasn't an issue a GM should be involved in.
This quest was a player run event. As such, it was inappropriate for a member of administration to become involved unless there was a bug or some other technical problem that interfered with the event. Since there was no such issue we chose not to involve ourselves.
In the future, if a player chooses to attempt a quest or some other event, plan to be accountable for any and all difficulties that arise. Blaming administration for problems in your event will not solve anything.
Laephis wrote:Phillip, I'm gonna throw my "unofficial" two cents in here even though Sebastian has already commented (and this is his area anyway).
I think it's great to see players taking initiative and trying their hand at running a quest. Even though this one did not go as planned, I hope you (or anyone else) is not discouraged from doing something like it again in the future.
But if you take up the challenge of doing a player-run quest, you cannot expect the GMs to assist.
We are busy and have our own's not fair to expect special treatment because you are running your own quest. ... we don't need blame for something that does not involve us at all.
Staff Page wrote:The GMs handle the day-to-day operation of matters internal. In general, whenever something goes wrong for a player, the GMs are the ones to come make things right. Examples being: "I am stuck" and "I lost my only house key" and "I can't login!".
Laephis wrote:Helping you with your quest would have been interfering with normal gameplay and that is against the rules.
Making yourself out to be the victim of some great mistreatment is just plain immature.
Atei wrote: And as to this little gem of a comment: "Really though, I have to say I am unimpressed with the treasure seeking drive on this shard."
I have a question for you: how many quests have YOU been on? I have been on a countless number of ones, and all of them involved some kind of deductive reasoning. A quest usually begins with a passer-by whispering something about someone or somewhere and with the combined knowledge of the lands and WoD's history, the players figure it out.
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