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New Spell & Potion Ideas

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 5:31 am
by Azalin4savioR
Ok I saw in the manual that there are several spells that dont technically do anything in WOD so why keep them? Instead you should replace them with say other spells that do something. I dont know much about programing and how hard it would be, hard I assume but make a few new spells to replace them if you could. An idea for a new spell would be, replace Magical Lock or Unlock with:

Fog Cloud - A stationary cloud of fog, you cant see through it or whats in it, so you couldnt target spells or potions or arrows into it, or out of it because of no line of sight. Kinda neat though because a fighter could hide in it, and then when a monster moves through it suprise attack or something, I dunno I havent really thought about it, just a small idea I had.

Ok new potion or maybe a magic powder even that an alchemist could make. The effect being ofcourse Natures Blessing, theres wands and potions and what not all over the place that mimics almost everything mages can do, why not a druid effect? Alot of fighters go out hunting alone, something that did this would be really helpful. You could also make it so their harder to create thus their not as cheap as a greater heal or nightsight potion.

Ok these are all my ideas for today, I hope they help in making this a better game, or atleast give the programers some ideas. See you all around.

Azalin Darkfire

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 11:41 pm
by Drocket
It isn't actually possible to replace one of the basic spellbook spells because their name, reagents, circle, etc, are all hard-coded into the client. The 'physical form' Nature's Blessing idea isn't bad, and it'll probably happen eventually. I'm not really sure about making it another potion, though: there's already so many potions that more would probably be more annoying than anything, and alchemists already have plenty to do...

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:58 am
by Azalin4savioR
True, if not a potion then maybe a powder or an herb or something, and if a alchemist doesnt do it, then im not sure who could, but I understand about the spells.