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Desires of the Mist ~ Part III ~ ... about time eh?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 4:20 am
by Rime
Okay I have been lazy and didn't feel like writing for a week... or two... or three, but I finally did write part three... *cheer*


~Chapter Three~

The smell of the swamp alone is enough to drive a man mad. It smells of rotting bog and molding flesh. With every step you can feel the ground sink beneath your feet. It grabs you as if trying to pull you into the ground with the rest of the tormented soul. With every breeze you can hear screams of pain for horror. The only life you can see is the sewage green grasses and swarms of insects that seem to thrive off death and decay. They sky is always brown in the swamps and the sun is never seen.

“We have been riding for hours and still this smell makes me want to vomit and the consistent biting of these insects is the only thing worse then the smell.â€

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:52 am
by dione
Where has this been hiding, this is the first time I seen this it is so sad i want to cry. :cry: I love dragons. Great story please keep up on it.