Memorable moments anyone?

In-character discussion

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Memorable moments anyone?

Postby Eldric on Sat Jan 24, 2004 7:36 pm

Thought it might be interesting to attempt to start a thread of memorable moments, good or bad.

Just to get the ball rolling, here's one:

Cast: Edison, Malacin, Cloudchaser and Magus
Narrator: Edison

We are chatting away in Nujel'm bank when Word comes in thruough the grapevine that a collection of stalwart individuals are gathering a possee togeather to lay a beating on the Branubians who at the time were attempting to move into and around the location of, Despise. We talked it over and decided we weren't intrested at the moment and declined the offer. Deathfests were common at the time and none of us were really in the mood to cope with another. Then we talked some more, and decided, well yes we /do/ want to lay a beating on the Branubians, what to do ....

(Side note for those who weren't around at the time, the Branubians were hiders, every one of them, and they were tough, the most dangerous part of going to despise was gating to the dungon entrance, you survived that, you had it made).

Then someone gets the bright (not really) idea that "We is tough.", this is followed up by vigiourous nod's. From there it was only a short step to "I bet we can gate to the dungon entrance and hold them off there.".

And so we made "the plan", we would go to my gate point, Magus would take a step South, Malacin would take a step North Cloudchaser and I would stay on the gate square grab bar's and attempt to keep everyone healed. We had a plan, it was none to bright, but it was ours and I was happy.

Up goes the shimmering gate and through we tromp, *SMACK* flaw #1, my gate point exits against a small rock, you can't go North, Malacin takes a step East instead, no big deal but the additional confusion did cost a bit of time and it woke up a couple extra Branubians, but there really was no other choice West would have resuled in the mages being on the front line.

At this point Malacin and Magus are merily hacking away at them while Cloudchaser and I raining down a stream of In Vas Mani's *SMACK* flaw #2, mob's take a dim view of healers and tend to lock on them in preference to other targets, despite our tanks best efforts I find myself being beaten on by 3 Branubian Beasts and it's all I can do to keep myself alive, much less heal others. I remain totally conviced the only reason we didn't go down in a blaze of glory was Cloudchaser and her battalion of healing wands. Eventually we wised up and both went invisible briefly but for long enough for the Branubians to get bored and lock back on the tanks. Crisis averted.

After 5 or 10 minutes (felt like an hour or two) of some of the most stressful hunting it's been my pleasure to participate in things are pretty much under control and we start to relax a bit. It was bound to happen to someone, just a matter of time, *SNAP* Malacin loses it and tosses a purple waaaaaay out ahead of a fleeing Branubian, to this day I can remember holding my breath and stareing in horror as the potion arced gracefully across the screen to land smack in the middle of uncleared territory. I think Malacin was apologising before it even went off. Hehehe. It turned out to be no big deal, only woke up a few weaker branubians but it was a pretty tense 3 seconds.

This is the stuff that dreams (nightmares?) are made of, the memories we have long after the trinkets are gone.
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Postby Malacin on Sat Jan 24, 2004 7:56 pm

I remember that night very well, as I recall, after we cleared the area that we arrived in, we were all standing there catching our breath and building fires, I vividly recall looking around, seeing no Branubians, and in one quick momentary lapse of remembering where we were and what we were hunting, I grabbed that purple potion, I can still hear myself yelling NO aloud as I tossed it, and begging for forgivness before it even hit the ground. That was a funny night indeed
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Postby Michella on Sun Jan 25, 2004 1:49 am

I, like you Eldric, do remember many good times and many good friends that are missed dearly. Two that come to mind are Magus and Felix (That terribly Bad Boy!) Was just remembering the time Magus took me on an expedition to Buc's Den when I was quite a rube...and I never died hehe! And then the time he asked me to decorate his house :) grand memories! And Felix! I still cherish the black dress he made me for Halloween! Precious! Come back gentlemen! We miss you :)
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Postby Michella on Sun Jan 25, 2004 9:28 pm

You know I have been thinking about this a lot lately.Some of the best times I have enjoyed here in the WoD have been because I have gotten to know as many of the heroes here as I have. Some of my very first memories are of Warriors, clad in plate bestowing me, the beginning tank, and i might add completely unknown to them, with a new sword and a life giving piece of poison protection armour :) When I saw Herakles ingame last night coming to the rescue of another player it reminded me that he is a good example of what is good about WoD. He I believe was the first one to give me a shiny new Halbred. This kind of act of selflessness is what makes us unique here. With that said though, there are areas in our world that could be improved. I feel a dissatisfation of many players. Now I won't try to come up with the answer as I am not at all bright enough to do that :) But I do wish to ask all, player and Staff to please consider what is really needed to keep WoD alive and my humble opinion it is the people. I believe we have some of the brightest people right here playing with us. Ideas for change are not always a bad thing..Speaking only for myself I know that soon when ever the changes to the new clients take place I will have a lot of changing to do as I use Assist. I look forward to learning how to cope with this..To me it will be a challenge! (Understatement!) I just hate to see our players go somewhere else when not challenged enough. I have a huge list of friends that I never see makes me sad.
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One Night in 2000

Postby Homer on Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:06 am

"Hoo boy, I lost count big time. (Obituaries) #2079 to about #2087" Posted by Homer on 08-18-00, 11:37 PM (CST)

Yeah, that's about right. 9 lives. A catsworth in one night. A lifetime on Ackadia. Poof.
Dagnab Praetorians.
Consarned Brutus Maximus.
Okay, disclaimer time. I played this quest for about 8 hours. People came, people went. I got tired. Now, I usually do a pretty good job of keeping track of the people I play with when or before I die. I even take notes. But this time I kinda lost it. Here is the best I can do for a list- the folks I leave out (or hallucinated) please speak up:
Folks I am pretty sure were there:
Warren N.
Elandra Silvanus
Folks I think were probably there:
Gzi Dragon
I deeply apologize for the errors.
Pinkwater was minding his own disgusting business when he noted the death-cry of Fate and offered his condolences and solicited organ donations. He was told there was a great surplus of dead bodies of all kinds in Vesper, due to an invasion of some kind of mutant Roman soldiers. It broke poor Pinkwater's heart (which he repaired with a stapler) that he could not go, as he was flat broke and out of mandrake root and doing odd .jobs to raise reg money. It did not sound like the kind of event a mage should go to without mandrake root.
Well, SOMEBODY had to go. We couldn't allow ourselves to be conquered by ITALIANS, for crying out loud. I mean, how would you like having 15 more political parties with their conventions screwing up primetime TV or having to pay 5 million lira for a Big Mac or (worst of all) having our pizza Italianized? If Vesper fell, it would only be a matter of time before they tore out all the bridges in favor of boats with singing tillermen in funny hats. So who gets the assignment? It's dangerous, right? Who who who. It's really important, right? So who who who. A person could get KILLED, right. Oh I know, I know..
...and so it was I, Homer Oldham, who set out alone to rescue the city of Vesper from the Evil Italian Empire. I talked to Warren N. a bit as I prepared and found out that a note had been found and that over half the city had already fallen under the Guicci heel. He offered me a gate to the rally point of the defenders, but I figured I would be a more picturesque cavalry-to-the-rescue from further away (if I- you know- had a horse or something). I gated into the Mint, hoping I could prevent the absorption of the WoD gold piece into the Euro. There were no Praetorians in the immediate vicinity, but I took the body of the town crier lying in the middle of the street to be a bad omen, if not ironic (NOW you got something to CRY about!).
Immediately across the bridge to the East, I found my first Praetorians, a pair of archers with bows that somehow flung flaming meatballs at you spicy ones that really give you heartburn. I lured one onto the island I was on and killed it after an epic struggle. Then the other. Then a plain-old vanilla Praetorian. Then a Praetorian Battle Mage. Then a Praetorian Captain. Praetorian by Praetorian, island by island, rolaid by rolaid I fought my through the city. Then, ahead of me, I heard familiar voices not speaking a romance language. I broke through and joined up with the other courageous defenders manning the dikes against the pesto tidal wave.
Now, those of you scoring at home may have noticed that, by this point in time, I hadn't died yet. It didn't take long once I joined up with the others, though. Five minutes later and I was pale as pasta. They cheerfully resurrected me promptly, however, so that I would have the honor of dying again. It was great fun while it lasted, though, and we generally kicked the pepperoni outta the invaders. Then, suddenly, I looked around and found I was alone again. I never did figure out where everyone went. Now solo-mioing again, I went back to my divide-and-conquer strategy, killing the Praetorians one-by-one and staying alive. After a while I was joined by Cable. We fought well together, although since I had company I died a couple of times more. We were joined by some stout comrades as we reached the dock. There was a nasty latin mob there and we took turns dying before we cleared it away.
During this time, I had a little side adventure. I was fleeing like a screaming banshee from island to island pursued by a Praetorian Captain (nothing odd up to that point- I did a lot of that). Suddenly, this brave sleepwalking knight named Shara galloped up with an "Aha!" and attacked the Captain. I stepped back to admire her work and then whipped out my bow, Smudge style, to support her. She was losing ground though, so I decided to become a mage. I healed her for a while, but we were still losing ground and it was clear her life was in danger. So I saved her life by tossing a little poison spell on the Captain. How does she show her gratitude? She gets all huffy about the poison spells and starts screaming that I am some kind of criminal and not welcome in this town (the Praetorians had already made that rather clear). Then she attacks me, ignoring the Praetorian Captain. I didn't want to fight her, of course, so I ran away, chased by Shara chased by the Praetorian Captain. Then a guard sees her whacking my backside as I am fleeing her in terror and immediately concludes I must be some kind of serial rapist attempting to overpower her
and HE labels me a criminal and joins the chase. Finally, I managed to lock Shara and her horse in the back room of some shop and get back to the war.
We were soon joined by the dock by an auspicious new group (including Spring) and resumed our island-hopping attack through the city. We eliminated all of the Praetorians we could find except for a stubborn crowd (including a General) who had barracaded themselves on an undeveloped island not connected to the others. We whittled the group down a bit with archery, then an invasion force loaded up on a boat and attacked. Warren N. and I were left behind for a few minutes, but we finally got to the island. There was a portal there, clearly the one mentioned in the note. Everyone was just standing around looking at it. I suppose someone was making a plan or something, but they didn't give any indication, so I decided to scout ahead. I would jump through the portal, jump back and tell them what I learned. So I jumped through, died, jumped out and said "ooo". If I could have spoken more clearly, my report would have been "It is dark in there and hurts a lot." Eventually we got through and I got most of my stuff, although I lost my bow. Elandra was able to survive on the other side much longer than I was and eventually some of the others got through and cleared the area around the portal and turned on the lights. We were in a place that in another world and time might have been called "The Gates to Delucia." We took control of the building and then began taking real estate foot by costly foot. I died a couple of times more. At one point, all of my stuff was gone and I was fighting with Praetorian weapons in Praetorian armor. I had a little trouble with my trigger-happy colleagues. We eventually got far enough into town that we spotted Brutus Maximus himself. We were hit with a couple of vicious counter-attacks however, and were scattered. I was killed one last time (the 9th). By that time, there were only a few of us left but we were too close to quit. We cornered Brutus twice, only to have him slip away. Finally, we caught him alone and we killed him. I use the term "we" loosely. I SAW him, but, as far as I know, I never actually HIT him. Oh well. Brutus was dead. I was dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead. And dead tired. We gated out and went to bed.
Great night.Great friends.Great quest.Great fun.
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PK Incident

Postby Ehran on Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:57 pm

as you all know PKing is one of the things we just don't tolerate here in WoD and in all the time i have been here i have only seen a single incident of it.

it had been a long evening as we had hacked shabooli and ents and reapers all the way from the skara crossroads to the yew cross roads only to find out we had no druids to stop them from infiltrating around and filling in the road behind us. somewhat disheartened we fell back on the bank to sell out our considerable collection of loot when lo and behold Xanola Remmings appeared in our midst. We hastily snatched him up and went back to smiting boolies etc with him destroying blight after blight. matter of fact he got quite carried away with destroying blights and was shortly throwing himself upon blights well ahead of the warriors trying to clear a path for him. clad in a death robe and carrying only his druid stave he would rush in and destroy a blight only to fall to its outraged guardians. Despite dozens of deaths he was a shining inspiration to our exhausted selves that night. (it was a very long quest something like 8 or 9 hours).
At one point during the fighting near the yew xroad i fell back in order to heal up and cure myself of poison when i fell party to a heated dispute (at least on one side). It seems that a necromancer had a powerful troll zombie aiding him and a newer player had hit it with an area spell. this of course set the zombie on the new mage till the necro called it off. the new player was a tad peeved by this and began to give the necromancer a hard time over being "evil" etc. after a while the necro decided he had put up with quite enough abuse and simply ebolted the source of his irritation. The new player promptly curled up his toes and fell off his horse dead as a stone. At which point there was this huge embarassed silence. Seems the new fellow had been so busy RP'ing being a pita he hadn't bothered to heal himself.

an admin showed up in very short order and "spanked" those involved a bit before the festivities resumed.

i can just imagine the horror in the necro's mind as he considered what could have happened to him over that.
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Dragon Herd on Fire Island

Postby Ehran on Tue Jan 27, 2004 7:15 pm

Earlier on Michella and I used to try to meet all the new folks in WoD. Give them a bit of a hand getting started and generally doing the welcome wagon.
this one couple joined and mich and i were showing them how some things worked here. this lead to doing a treasure map down on fire island which of course has no spawn on it. we had a weenie little map and a large area with no spawn to play about it. we had a 3rd new player joined the group and then we set off. now of course there was no spawn on fire island but since i don't go downstairs to breakfast without buffing i was ready to rock. Michella also buffed as a matter of habbit. well we pop the gate and set off for the map chatting casually as we go. about half way up the island we are suddenly beset by a herd of dragons. someone must have popped a ragged and bolted because there were about 6 or 7 dragons just appeared on the right side of my screen homing in on us. we caught a bit of a break because they all seemed to lock on mich or myself. As luck would have it i drew the pair of royals and mich got the greats and nameds and drakes. at least i think thats what she had cause i was suddenly busy running for my life. plan A was working just fine till i hit the beach with them hard on my heels. Plan B involved a whole lot of running and taking the odd whack at them. I couldn't really just try to ditch them without knowing where the others had gone. So i stuck it out and nickel and dimed the royals. now what makes this priceless is that the new fellow strolls onto the screen and parks it on a log. figuring he would be tossing a heal my way once in a while i relaxed a bit. his contribution to the battle was a steady series of "claps" floating over his head. As moral support he was most excellent and i guess realistically there wasn't a lot a newish char could have done that wouldn't have gotten him killed outright.
Once the royals were down i went and found the rest of the group congratulating Mich on summarily slaughtering her collection of dragons.
That was definitely one of the more exciting moments i've had here.
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Postby Aluviel on Tue Jan 27, 2004 7:17 pm

I still remember Nataels attempt at fishing with Adonis. All the people that came to the rescue had to res me like 5 times. and once was when I was hardly a screen away from the docks in Britain. :oops:
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Postby Kale Greeneye on Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:12 am

I would add one or two memories here cause im sure I have a lot of them, I just dont remember them at the moment :? :oops: :P :roll:
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